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Ishani's pov

"Radhi, stop being so stubborn! You know that I am trying to find a house for us, we can't live here forever!" I said.

"But di, why I can't be friends with him? He's so cool...h-he shared his library with me..and he even said he'll sign books for me and my friends. I want—

"Stop it! I don't trust him...he's not a good company to be with..and the only books you should be reading is your school's only! So stop wasting your time and money on useless things. I—

"Excuse me! Did you say that books are useless?" I turned around and saw him standing near the door, angrily. His hazel-greenish eyes stared at me without blinking, sharp eyebrows were frowning softly like he was trying to hide his anger. Honestly, I wasn't surprised to see him here..he has a tendency to listen to our conversation sneakily without caring about the privacy.

I crossed my arms over my chest and returned his gaze without blinking my eyes.

"Yes! It's useless and—

"Radhi, if you'll excuse us, I would like to chat with your sister..." Radhi nodded and closed the door behind her.

"So you think it's useless—do you know how much writing means to me or any other writer?! To me, it's something I love...I adore and I am passionate about!— he walked closer to me and I stepped back until my back was pressed against the wall.

"I am not one of your fans who will be smitten by your words! Nor do I have time to listen to your utter nonsense talks!" I pressed my hand on his chest and diverted my eyes from him.

"You don't know what you are saying, sweetheart? But I assure you...that you'll know how powerful can words be...and not only you'll be smitten but fall in love with them!" He whispered in my ear, softly and then left.

Mirtunjay's Pov

I walked to my room still thinking about can someone, not like books?! I paced in my room back and forth.

'Calm down, Mir!' I told myself.
My reaction can be thought of as an overreaction but for me, it's different... because I had never met a person who don't like books until now! It's okay if she doesn't like the book but she doesn't have a right to change someone else's opinion...

I opened my laptop and started writing a plot for my story but whenever I tried to type something I backspaced everything as I couldn't think of that fit the story. Great now I was experiencing a writer's block!

Abruptly, I closed the laptop and grabbed a book and started to read it to take off my mind from her...

Ishani's Pov

What does he think of himself?! I hate how his Hazel-greenish looks at me with so much curiosity...I hate how he can't keep his distance from me...uh I hate him!

"Ishani Di?"

"Yes, Radhi..." I replied in a stern tone.

"Umm Rohit uncle has called you...he wants to talk to you.." Radhi said.

"Okay, "


"Uncle, you called me?" I asked knocking on the door.

"Yes dear, please come in."

I opened the door and saw Mirtunjay standing by, his head turned in my direction, his striking eyes met mine and I immediately broke the eye contact shifting my attention to uncle.

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