Chapter 05 - Red Hair and Fins

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The next morning was the sunniest it had been, all year. It meant Summer was coming.

It also meant that the bodies had begun to stink. At first, Sakura had thought they were dead, but Sasuke had only shocked them (which wasn't much better, according to their brain scans, they would spend the rest of their lives severely disabled. Sakura thought, it was better that way). They were still unconscious, and she thought they would be, for a while. 

Since killing them was off the table, she needed to 'take care of them'. Their bodies, were also the only lead they had.

Sakura and Sasuke stood before their limp forms. He was stronger, today. Whilst Sakura still had to help him up, he stood straight, with relatively minimal wobbling. Honestly, she didn't know, how. It was either super healing abilities, or through force of will. Sakura knew which one she suspected. 

"What am I looking for?" Sakura asked, as she crouched beside the one with the scar.

"Start with the one that threatened you."

She moved to the one who had choked her. He had fallen, face-down, into the lake, and washed up on the shore. Half of his body was still in the water, where the smell was much worse. Sakura cringed her nose. She pulled him out of the water, by a wrist that was still hard. 

"What, exactly did he say to you?" Sasuke questioned. He had his arms crossed and eyebrows furrowed. She didn't think he liked the smell, either, and she imagined it was a lot more noticeable, now.

"That he was sent specifically to neutralise my power - I assume he meant my strength." She turned him on his back. "He said that I should have been more careful who I healed, and that his orders, were that you die."

"Anything else?" 

Sakura crouched next to her attacker. "The usual threats. That he was going to kill me, and then he was going to kill you." She subconsciously rubbed her neck. The blooming bruises had sprouted deep shades of plum. 

She continued her work on the man. She took off his jacket, and ruffled through the sleeves, and dug through the pockets, then threw it away from her. Without the sleeves covering his arms, she had full view of his jutsu. Both arms, up to the collarbone, had turned a dark brown, like earth. She tried snapping a finger, but it seemed, even after death, he was invulnerable. 

"Sasuke, do you know what this is?" He crouched next to her, and she grabbed his hand, guiding it to the man's forearm, so his palm lay flat. He scratched his fingers against the surface, then tried sending lighting directly through the appendage. The lightning fizzled out. 

"And your infused strength? It had no effect?"

"None. I was giving it everything, and he took it like it was nothing."

She watched him speculate. Was this even a jutsu, if it transcended death? Jutsus like that existed, but nothing of this nature.

"It may be something similar to the Hozuki. They can liquefy their bodies at will, and subconsciously," He removed his hand, "This is stronger."

"Because it absorbs chakra?" she guessed.

Sasuke shook his head. "Destroys it," he muttered.

 Whatever this was, had to be a Kekkei Genkai - and a powerful one. This was, theoretically, as close to invincibility that she had ever seen. In the arsenal of a more powerful opponent, this Kekkei Genkai, would have been close to unstoppable. 

Sakura began rifling through his trouser pockets, which there were, probably a million. The contents ranged from kunai to sellotape, and to food wrappers. Nothing of value. Until, in a pocket, below his knee, Sakura fished out a folded piece of paper.

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