Chapter 11

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The group and promptly set out for the land of Waves. Sakura had wanted to say goodbye to Idate before they left as she was still grateful to him for how he had helped her with her own feelings but Sasuke had said they wouldn't have time. The girl had resorted to writing a letter she sent by hawk that she had quickly written before departure.

As far as Sakura was aware, Sasuke did not have any more episodes since the incident at the shack but she was sill sceptical with Uchiha's being able to hide their emotions so well. She could also tell that his lack of vision was bothering him more with every passing day along with his mood which was becoming more irritable by the hour.

They weren't far from the land of Waves as they had travelled for three days and were now only half a day's journey away from their destination. The sun was setting past the horizon. They would camp for the night and arrive the next day with plenty of time to spare, to search of the hideout their late kidnappee had told them about.

"Sasuke-bastard," Suigetsu whined, "Can we stop?"

Even Karin didn't have the energy to snap at Suigetsu. It was true everyone was exhausted; everyone had been travelling without any breaks and the pressure was starting take a toll on their bodies, although Sasuke didn't show it. Obviously.


Sasuke had been a stone the entire time they had travelled, and they had barely been able to get a word out him.

The group set up their bags and a small fire in the centre. Suigetsu had gone to a nearby river to find fish to eat whilst Juggo and Karin went to find some more firewood. Sakura was in a situation she dreaded to find herself in ever since the fight. She and Sasuke were alone. It wasn't as if they were both just sitting there; Sakura was reorganising her med bag whilst Sasuke sharpened his Kusangi.

They sat there, each to their; only Sakura noticing the awkward silence between them. The only sounds were the echoing scrapes of the Kusangi and the occasional shuffle of medical supplies.

Suddenly, Sakura dropped her bag in huff and turned to face the Uchiha with an annoyed countenance.

Sasuke made no move to approach her gaze but did pause sharpening the blade.

"What?" he asked still not choosing to face her,

"So are you just gonna ignore me now?" she was on her feet, arms crossed.

"I'm not ignoring you." Keeping his non-existent glare glued to the sword.

The pinkette rolled her eyes,

"There are more ways to ignore someone than to just not talking to them. You have to actually acknowledge my existence."

Sasuke scowled,

"Fine you win, I am ignoring you. Happy? Can you leave me alone now?" he said sarcastically through gritted teeth.

Her hardened face softened only a little bit, barely noticeable,

"You do know you're going to have to deal with it eventually, you can't keep ignoring it forever."

"I get it Sakura," he snapped,

"Sasuke I'm telling you this because you don't get it. You think you get it, which is not the same as actually getting it. Get it?"

He stopped moving as he remembered Kakashi telling them those words only what? Three years ago, or so. To him it had felt like it was lifetimes ago when he heard that phrase first.

She also knew he had remembered who she had quoted.

He sighed,

"What do you want me to do then," he said quietly in defeat.

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