Chapter 13

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"OH MY GOD YOUR TALLER THAN ME!" Naruto looked in disbelief and anger at Inari that had just made his way to his group.

"haha loser," Sakura had to stop Naruto from lunging at Sasuke.

"Hey, Inari, you've grown up so much," Sakura hugged him like he was her long-lost little brother,"

"Sakura, Naruto, Sasuke, you guys have changed so much as well," returning the hug, "What are you all doing here?"

They all exchanged nervous glances before looking away,

"We can't actually say anything," Sakura decided not to lie in this instance,

"Why not?" Inari eyed each of them suspiciously,

"It's kind of...sketchy,"

"Ah, I see,"

"Yeah, it's not the most honest work we've done".

Everyone looked at each other in admittance.

"So, how can I help?" Inari grinned eager to be of assistance.

The group looked at him in confusion,

"What." Naruto deadpanned,

"How can I help?" Inari repeated,

"Kid, didn't you hear Sakura-chan, were doing some shady stuff," Suigetsu shared the same perplexed expression,

"No I heard you,"

"Then why do you want to help us?"

"Look," Inari sighed, "I've grown up here my entire life. I know every square inch of this place. From the most beautiful spots to ones with the nicest views. I am also very familiar with the less...morally dependent areas. Team 7 did so much for me and my grandfather, this is the least I can do as payment."

"Thank you, Inari." Sakura enveloped the boy in a tight embrace.

"But we don't need any help," Sasuke interrupted,

"ARE YOU CRAZY, TEME?!!!?" Naruto sprang up in front of the Uchiha's face.

"Naruto, the bastards right," Suigetsu said sighing, "As much I hate to agree with Sasuke, we already have the Sakura-simp to lead us and it wouldn't do anyone any good to involve you in this. This is some serious stuff were dealing with." Suigetsu didn't have a flicker of playfulness on his face or even a hint of a grin.

Sakura could tell he didn't want to endanger this boy. It made her relieved that even 'big bad Suigetsu' had a soft spot.

"Yeah, yeah, yeah okay fine. You're right" Naruto waved his hands in defeat.

"Sorry Inari," Sakura shrugged giving him a sympathetic look.

"It's okay I guess but can I at least give you guys something for the future,"

"Oh, you don't have to Inari, really it's okay."

"No, I want you to have these," he pressed a six pack of bombs in the pinkette's hand, "it's not much but who knows? They might come in handy,"

She smiled, "Thank you, and I promise to visit more often after this,"

"It's okay Sakura, good luck and stay safe; you and everyone else,"

"You too, bad things and bad people are happening; you'd be surprised how close,"

Inari nodded and gave one last look to the group before leaving them.

"When are we leaving then?" Naruto addressed the brooding Uchiha.

"Tonight. It will be easier in the dark," Sasuke replied,

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