Chapter 08

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The days following were spent travelling. The group had three days to get to the land of Tea and there was no doubt they could get there with time to spare, but still, it never hurts to be too careful.

they had been leaping from branch to branch for about a day with Sasuke and Karin leading at the front (this was not Sasuke's decision), Suigetsu and Sakura behind them and finally Juggo at the back, ready for any incoming ambushes.

Sakura had grown to like Suigetsu much in the same way she liked Naruto; he had also made Sasuke appear less intimidating to her.

"So tell me Sakura-chan," Suigetsu mused playfully, "do you have a husband back in Konoha your being kept from," he said wiggling his eyebrows,

The pinkette blushed slightly at this imposition.

"no, I don't think I'm ever going to marry, I would rather focus on my work," she spoke with a hint of sadness Suigetsu did not detect but Sasuke who had been listening in to their conversation, couldn't help but notice.

"Okay, well what about the old bastard, what was he like as a brat?" the boy was desperately hoping the pinkette could give him information he could tease Sasuke with until the day he died,

"To be honest, he was pretty much the same,"

"Nooo Sakura-chan, I want to know embarrassing things about the bastard,"

Sakura finally understood what he was on about and decided it wouldn't hurt to play along,

"Ohhh, okay then," she smiled wickedly, "I'll tell you about dear Sasuke's first kiss,"

Suigetsu grinned from ear to ear as Sasuke turned to glare at them, well as much as he could glare at them,

"I cannot wait for this one," Suigetsu cackled,

"No Sakura, don't," Sasuke actually looked a bit panicked. It was the first time anyone in the group had seen him panic,

"So Suigetsu, what happened was," Sakura said innocently,

"Sakura stop, don't do this" Sasuke was breaking out in a sweat. The girl was immensely enjoying herself,

"it was our first day back and Sasuke was being cocky," she carried on ignoring the boy's protests, "And Naruto wasn't having it, so he decided to sit face to face with him,"

She laughed remembering the moment,

"and there they were giving each other the stink eye," she said in between muffled giggles,

"I swear Sakura if you don't shush right no-"

"Someone pushed Naruto's fat ass and they both smooched!!" Sakura couldn't contain herself; she was in a fit of giggles whilst Suigetsu was roaring with laughter. Sasuke looked defeated.



"BHAHAAHAH SASUKE, MORE LIKE SASU-GAY," Suigetsu guffawed at his own remark as they both stopped moving to break down in laughter,

"HOW DARE YOU INSINUATE SUCH THINGS ABOUT MY SASUKE-KUN!!" Karin was all over them in no time, but they just ignored her. It was safe to say Sasuke Uchiha was not amused.

"Oh my god wait!!" Sakura suddenly sat up in a moment of realisation, "You think that's funny; you should hear about Sasuke's second ever kiss,"

"YESSSS!!" Suigetsu cheered enthusiastically,

"Nope, nope, nope, nope," suddenly Sasuke was behind Sakura and pulling her away from Suigetsu,

"Not gonna happen,"

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