Chapter 15

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"Sakura, you were insane!!!" Suigetsu ran up to hug her as she slid off the bird.

"Thanks, Suigetsu. I wish it felt like it," she shook her head smiling shakily.

"OH MY GOD, SAKURA YOU DIDN'T DIE," Naruto sprinted in, forcefully shoving Suigetsu off and wrapping his arms right around his teammate, heaving heavily.

"YOU HAVE NO IDEA HOW WORRIED I WAS. I SWEAR I'LL KILL THE ASSHOLE IF HE EVER PULLS SOMETHING LIKE THIS AGAIN." Naruto promised, ignorant to Sakura's wincing as he shouted in her ear,

"lay off her idiot, she'll go deaf," Sasuke said bluntly whilst pulling the blonde away by the back of his collar.

"It's honestly fine Naruto; it was a risk I was willing to take," Sakura shared a meaningful look with her worried friend.

"So are we going in or not?" Suigetsu peered towards the building that once stood in the place of the decayed ruins.

The place looked more like a fortress, four grey walls and a flat roof. Any indication of windows was absent and the only thing that wasn't completely identical to everything else was the black, sleek door. The sun has set now and the building seemed to bury itself in the shadows, as if trying to become invisible.

The door was wide and tall. The length of at least two normal doors and taller than if two Juggos stood up on each other's shoulders. Heavy bolts were placed on all four corners, making the door look truly impenetrable.

"How do we get in?" Karin proposed, rather unsure.

"We could break the door down?" Suigetsu shrugged, "if Sakura did what she did just now, she'll have no problem with a steel door,"

"That's not the issue," Naruto explained, "i know all about making noise and bashing a door down makes a hell of a lot of it,"

Sakura hummed in agreement, "The people inside probably have no idea the genjutsu's down which probably explains why we haven't been spotted yet,"

Sasuke snorted, "They relied so much on the genjutsu, they didn't even bother to place guards outside to watch the place,"

The pinkette thought for a minute, "Well if the building has no windows, it must have ventilation. And a considerable sized one at that, otherwise they'd all choke in there."

"She's right," Karin added, "we should look around for a vent or a grate,"

With that everyone nodded and spread out- Saburo gingerly being pulled along by Suigetsu, apart from Sasuke, who's soft footsteps followed Sakura's as she went round to the back of the building.

She searched in silence, scanning the area with her eyes and occasionally pushing away dead leaves and dirt to check the floor. The Uchiha just leaned against the wall on his side.

"What are you doing?" Sakura stopped to ask, confused by his unmoving stance.


She raised an eyebrow, "How?"

"Moral support,"

Sakura rolled her eyes, "You're not being very morally supportive at the moment," she remarked.

"Hn" he faced to the side, the wind blowing his bangs slightly.

She looked at him; really looked at him. He had a black, sleeveless shirt on with an open v- front, which revealed the top of the bandages that still wrapped his abdomen, and black trousers. Next, she studied the black blue hair, spiked awkwardly yet still naturally, and the way his nose grew at a sharp angle before a ridge. His mouth, that she had seen twisted in a sneer, a scowl, and a cry. She imagined what his eyes would look like. The dusty charcoal pits, flashing into that blood-curdling crimson in a single moment.

Sightless - UNDER CONSTRUCTIONOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora