Phones and Paper Shredders

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"Get up, you lazy creature." I heard my brother's voice. But it's so early, why do I need to get up, it's Holidays, it's Christmas.

"Fuck off." I mumbled and threw a pillow at him.

"Ok little sister, I'm sure our neighbours would love to see your bra. Which one, the superman, batman, or... a slutty one? Or should I make it rain?" at those words I jumped out of bed as if someone poured cold water over me.

You probably think that I am over reacting, well I'm not. My lovely older brother Adam is a little crazy, so he would throw all my underwear out of the window and won't even feel sorry, only thing he may do is let out an evil laugh. That's how much my brother loves me, specially after the time when I filled his school locker with tampons 2 years ago. Strange that he didn't find it funny, the rest of the school did.

"And mom said that I won't be able to wake you up." Adam said grinning.

"Stop pretending to be cool, we all know that you're not." I said. Brother gripped his chest. I couldn't help but laugh. But us being friendly didn't last long. Soon a smirk appeared on my brother's lips. Oh no, this cannot be good. And within a second my brother lunged forward and grabbed my phone.

"Hey give it back." I stood up and was now jumping trying to grab the phone out of his hand.

"Catch me!" my brother shouted whilst running out of the room. I couldn't help but groan, but really he is enrolled in college and behaves like a 8 year old.

But I ran after him, in pjs and bed hair. What can I say, my phone is part of me.

I caught up to him on the stairs. He is doomed, I thought grinning. And then he stopped, why couldn't that d¡ck warn me, because no body liked that I ran into him. Especially my phone. I'll wear black today.

When I ran into Adam, he lost his balance and gripped onto the handrails. And he sinned. What he did should become added to the 7 deadly sins. He dropped my phone.

And it flew down from the third floor.

And it fell onto a table.

And on that table stood a shredder.

And for some reasons that are beyond my understanding, that fucking shredder was on.

My phone fell into a working shredder.

I don't have a phone any more.

"Adam." I hissed, "Run." And for the first time ever my brother was smart enough to do as he told, basically run.

I was chasing Adam for an hour, and I nearly caught him. I swear that I did not ran into a glass door, and obviously I did not nearly gave dad a heart attack when I appeared from the corner trying to cut the distance. To be fair this chaos was stopped by mom.

And now I remember that we are going skiing today. Which means that I have less than an hour to get ready.

As I walked into my room I saw my reflection. Sh¡t, I'm so going to be late. It's going to take a decade just to brush my hair. Why was I born with curly hair? What am I getting punished for? Why do they get soooo sooooo messy.

"God help me." I whispered to the ceiling.

"Hurry up we'll be late." I heard my mother shout.

If only we didn't go there. If only... But who knows what would have happened to me if we didn't go.

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