Death, Head, Legs & Hand

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"Let the race begin!" Adam shouted, and we moved.

What could be better than going down the mountain peak on a snowboard, just you and Mother Nature.

The snow and wind flying in your face. Air whistling in your ears. That feeling that we don't get often now days, the feeling people fought for. The feeling of liberty. Freedom.

I rode off the main track and into the woods. Where I can be alone. Where I will feel totally free. Just me, snowboard and dark woods.

I drove through here many times and knew everything about this place everything, including that wolves live higher and that's why I was surprised when I saw a pack off wolves running down the slope. Where were they running? And why were they running?

Soon I snowboarded out of the woods. Now there would be a gigantic crack I need to jump over and not fall in.

I could already see the crack when I heard a noise. I think that stones rolling down the hill would make a similar sound. And when I thought of it all the peculiar things I saw today started to form a clear picture.

Now I was scared to look back. I was so scared that I am right. And then I looked over my shoulder and saw it.

I saw my death.

I saw the power of Mother Nature.

I saw snow.

I saw ice.

I saw rocks.

I saw trees.

I saw an avalanche.

And then I fell.


It was cold. Very cold. And wet. Very wet. And I couldn't feel my legs. Or my hands. But my head was killing me.

My eyes shot open. Why could I feel pain if I died. Because I was still alive. As I looked around I realised that I was lying on the ground next to some kind of stream. How did I get here? And then the memories started to come back.

I was going down the mountain and then there was a very loud sound. I looked behind and saw an avalanche. Then I fell. Probably I fell through the crack that I normally jump over.

So now I'm who knows where. Alone. Will my family be looking for me? Or will they ditch me like they normally do? Or will I just freeze here today and in 1000 years my body would be found and put it in the museum, the same way people did with the mammoth. Or will I never be found?

Who cares? I thought while closing my eyes.


I was woken by some noise and when I opened my eyes I was blinded by the light.

Am I supposed to get up and follow the light where I'll find gates to heaven? Wait. No! That can't be it, I read books on Wattpad AND comments, I can't possibly go to heaven. Just by typing "Wattpad" in search bar I bought a ticket to hell. So what is...

Then the light was blocked by... a head.

"She is alive." the head shouted.

I'm alive. Great... I guess.

Then I saw a pair of legs.

"Ok I'm taking her to the helicopter." said Legs

"Guys call the doctor first, who knows how much time she spent here." argued Head.

"Doc!!!" shouted Legs and moved away.

Then the Hand came. I think it gave me an injection. Oh look Legs returned.

The flight I barely remember. It was dark and everything was blurred. Did they drug me? I'll have to report them to the cops. But my family won't pay for a lawyer...

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