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Slowly going insane

From the tornado of words inside her brain.

She screams in pain

Cutting, hidden scars

At night, staring at the stars

Hoping for some sign of life

Anything to end her strife.

Deep wounds, painful words

Listening to the quiet night

She hopes for delight.

Blood curdling screams and lucid dreams

Staring into an endless abyss of darkness

She seeks happiness

Aching heart, life torn apart

She pleads for death to become her best friend

Soundless cries, gloomy skies

Drowning in a wave of sadness

She tries to concentrate

Staring at her lifeless face

Bloody wrists, tear stained fists

She's trying not to let death win

Sleepless nights. Nothing feels right

Crying and wishing to feel alright

She's slowly losing her might

Hopefully she doesn't lose the fight

She wills the tears to be her witness

As she writes a note and sails her boat

Hoping to drown in a pool of blood, she cant stay afloat

"Goodbye world." Her sullen last words.

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