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"You are joking right? What the fuck?", I shouted making everybody flinch even Namjoon hyung who didn't dare to look me in the eye.

"You said you don't like her though, why are you acting so bothered?", Tae asked making my blood boil.

"Just because I don't like her doesn't mean you can claim her Taehyung. She isn't a toy on sale. Moreover she is still my best friend and I care about her. You won't try to hit on her.", I said in my most authoritative voice.

"Jeez Jungkook, calm down.", Hobi hyung said and I glared at him making him frown.

"Go back to your seats, you've been backstage for too long.", our manager said and we quickly went back to the idol-seating area. I sat as far away from Taehyung as possible.

Why are we fighting you may ask. Well apparently Taehyung has a 'big crush' on Lisa since the first time he saw her and he had been hiding it. He decided to talk to Bambam about it in front of all our members except me, knowing that I like her.

Well I haven't told them that but I assumed that they know considering how much they tease me about her.

Now I'm just insecure that Taehyung might snatch her away because he's obviously more attractive and charming than me. Bambam had told me that Lisa liked older and manly guys and that made me feel even more jealous.

I was just zoning out into thin air as idols were performing on the stage. Yes we had another award show on our long list of schedules.

Suddenly I saw Yugyeom and Ten dancing on the screen and I averted my eyes to the stage only to see four girls standing in the dark. Maybe he's having a collab, why didn't he tell me though. I thought we share everything about each other on the group, even our smallest schedules.

I was jamming to the song they were dancing to when suddenly a familiar girl came up on the stage dancing to the beat and I froze.

What is Lisa doing up there?
Why didn't she tell me about this collab?
We had talked on video call a lot of times in the past few weeks but not once had she mentioned about this.

Damn she looked hot though, I wonder why they don't give her such outfits often. Their stylist sucks.

 Their stylist sucks

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 27, 2021 ⏰

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