Chapter 1-A non-normal day

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                                                               Y/N POV

Beep Beep Beep! My alarm clock rang from being on snooze. As I woke up I realized I was 30 MINUTES LATE FOR WORK. I rushed out of my bed and got ready for work as fast as I can. Working at Bath and Body Works was quite boring. Ring Ring Ring! I checked my phone and saw my Best friend Alexis called me. She's been calling me from the PAST HOUR. I quickly rushed and picked up the phone. "Y/n where are you your 30 minutes late and the store is crowded!" "I'm sorry Alexis I slept on snoozed." I said. "WELL HURRY UP AND GET OVER AND HELP!" Alexis said. "Ok ok I'm on my way" I said. After I hung up I ran to my door and quickly put on my (Favorite shoe brand) and Left the house.

Authors Note

I'm gonna be quite active on this story for a while. Also this whole chapter (including the author's note are 188 words) This chapter was pretty short but I promise or no promises that the next chapter may be longer than this one.

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