A new home with Karl-Chapter 6

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Last chapter was a WRECK but this one may be a bit of a wreck in the beginning  but then emotional. I put in the story y/f/f. That means your favorite food. Enjoy the story and if you like this don't forget to up vote this. Its completely free and you can always undo it (you see what I did there :D) But anyways enjoy the story.

Time skip to now I am at karls house.

I hopped out of karls house ran to his door. When I knocked Karl ran straight to the door. Well at least I thought he did because he answered quickly. "Y/n your here",Karl said. "Yeah I am can I come in please,"I said. "Sure but why are you bleeding on your head,"Karl asked? "Oh um I will explain,later" I said. "Ok I made y/f/f (your favorite food)for you since you've probably had a rough time over there,"Karl said. I was very surprise he made my favorite food. And it taste very good. After dinner was finished I went upstairs with Karl. "Y/n so um why were you bleeding,"Karl asked. "I will explain but can we go someone private,"I said. (Karl's roommate and his roommates friend is here so that's why y'all are going in private) "Can you please tell me everything that happened there so I know how to help,"Karl asked? "Sure, ok so when I went home I grabbed my suitcases and went out the door then my mom was like where do you think you going young lady. I tried to tell them that I was moving to your house. My dad told me that if I move then he would file a restraining order,"I said. After I said that tears started rolling down my face because I just realized I've lost my dad forever. "Y/n come here its fine I'm always here to help"Karl said. He gave me a hug. When he gave me a  hug I had realized how safe I feel in his arms and how safe I feel anytime I'm around him. "Ok so after that I just went off on them and told them how they would never be there for me so I then rushed out the door and you know the cuts on my head well they are from my mom. She threw a glass bottle of beer at me,"I said. "Wow y/n I never knew how bad your parents are I'm really sorry for you and their behavior,"Karl said. "It's fine and thanks for letting me live here it really helps me a lot,"I said. Karl gave me another hug. "Since your bed isn't here your going to have to sleep in mine but that's fine because I will be sleeping on the couch,"Karl said. "Karl you don't have to do this I will sleep on the couch" I said. "But you just moved in I don't want you sleeping there" Karl said "Well how about we both sleep in you bed...I mean it's only until my new bed comes in," I said. Karl agreed. So I took my shower and after that I somehow started crying but for this time there was no reason. I thought karl was getting tired of my crying so I try holding it in. As I got in his bed he found out I was crying again. So he gave me a hug. As he gave me a hugh I drifted away into sleeping while I was in his arms.


Alright so I know I said no more post until friday but I felt like I had enough time to write this chapter. But this time I actually mean it I wont be posting chapters until friday. I just feel like I missed at least a week of posting chapters so I just felt the sudden urge to make this. Next chapter will be a fun one and we will be having some new characters hopefully coming in depending on how I write the story. Don''t forget to Eat food Drink water and have confidence in yourself! Today's word count is 673

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