xi. nostalgia

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Lorelei and Pansy did as they said they would, they fought together in the war, and they won. It wasn't as big a win as it should've been, but nonetheless they won. The rest of seventh year was a blur, there were reconstructions being done on Hogwarts, so the remaining students were sent home.


How convient, seeing as neither Pansy or Lorelei could call a place other than Hogwarts that.

It took a bit, but they made one for themselves. A small flat, an internship, and two new adults trying their best to truly live their lives together. That's when the problems started back up again.

Dearest Pansy,

Funny, this gives me major nostalgia. When we were kids, writing letters to each other. I was quite the one for dramatics.

Hopefully your work is going well, interning for the accidental reversal squad is quite a lot of studying. I miss you loads, you've been spending days at your internship, then sleeping at Daphne's because it's closer than our flat. 

How is she, by the way?

We should do something special, you know. Been together nearly two years, our anniversary is coming up. 

I find myself counting the days, waiting for you to return. 

I miss your eyes and I miss your smile.

And I miss your food. I don't know how to cook, I'm serious when I say that. You're the chef and I have been having take out.

Potter says the renovations and reconstructions on Hogwarts are going well. I don't understand how he has such a hero complex, helping with the work at Hogwarts. They're trying to finish as soon as possible, so classes can resume for the younger students. 

I might go up to visit, that'll be fun. 

Also, maybe it's time you reconcilled with Malfoy? We were kids, and it was partially my fault. Get back to me on that?

I love you.

With millions on millions love, Lorelei

DEAREST, pansy parkinsonWhere stories live. Discover now