chapter 5

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Trevor POV
Its friday a day I'm dreading... my mom and the stupid scout leader have been fucking ever since Wednesday make things worse my brother is coming to live with us when my dad goes back to prison... God can my life get any more worse??? This whole keeping calm thing is getting to me...I don't know how much more I can take it before I fucking rip someone head off!!!  If Ryan comes to live with us then that means I gotta share not only my room but also the fruitcake of a leader my mom shags... I only care because if I have to endure the leader I at least wanna do it with a piece of mind that my brother won't get on my nerves...
I am currently on the stupid bus full of idiot American kids.... I hate Americans.... they have no clue how to endure the wilderness.... not like us Canadians... we are nearly halfway there when the leader no.2 who I can best describe as a degenerate... how I know all these fancy words didn't come easy..I was called a degenerate alot...  mainly by my dad..  he hates me compared to ryan.... he thinks ryan Is the better son. The son who never received a beating.... you would think the child that made him a dad would be treated with more respect but not dan.... yes I call him dan.

We finally get to the camp.  Immediately I feel dread and regret...all these kids are too cheerful and happy. Something I don't have. I see parents helping their kids pitch tents or play tennis.  Something my parents will not do... the kids seem so happy it makes me sick and angry.... I don't know if I can take a minute of this shit... it doesn't help that this is my birthday week. Turning ten should be fun ...I should be looking forward to all the friends coming to my house for a party! I should be excited to receiving gifts ! I should be blowing out  candles..I should be excited being 10 as supposedly it means I'm getting closer to being grown up... but you wanna know what I usually get?? If I'm lucky I can have a day to look forward to and not wish for death...while kids get a special birthday breakfast ,I get burnt eggs and a half eaten bagle.... parents greet their just woken up children with happy birthdays followed by a kiss on the head. I get "get the fuck up it's time for school you lazy squall of a boy..." or when I lived with my dad I got my ass beat when I didn't get out of bed fast enough... I am sitting  on a rock with a frowning face pouting wishing I was anywhere but here or better yet dead.. next thing I hear is the scout leader ." is your uniform... go change . I look up its my mom's new plaything... "I'm good..I don't wear uniforms..."you don't have a choice ..first day you need to be in uniform.  I go to refuse again but then remember if I have a flip out I'm gonna end up back into boystown...
I swipe the clothing and head to the bathroom and dress into the navy blue shirt and shorts. The leader then hands me a dumb hat and a scarf looking thing. I reluctantly put the hat on and asked him to tie my scarf he ties it and points to the campfire

We had a stupid introduction to camp followed by a song that makes me want to strangle every single camper . I could feel myself get more angry by the second. This is getting too hard to Hold my anger.... next thing was a group activity called the trust fall each of us had a partner. I got out of everyone russell. I forgot to mention his dad is also a scout leader as russell is a camper himself. And out of all these losers I get him... I could feel the demon in me bang it's way out. First it was my turn to fall and "trust russell to have the respect to catch me.. just as I suspected he did the opposite.  He let's me fall on my ass and look stupid... I wanted to tear him apart as I fell and he stood there laughing but instead I stand up and dust myself off.. "gee coulda caught me eh? " "I could have but I didn't.... " it is now my turn to catch him. I decide to give him a taste of his own  medicine.. he falls.  "Oooof..... you idiot trevor...I burst out laughing and then says oops....I cOuLdA cAuGhT YoU BuT I DiDnT...." I say mockingly and then grin deviously... " I guess my smile was enough for russell not to respond but rather get up. Next was dinner which I didnt really like... hotdogs and pork n beans . I look at the cafeteria employee and ask  "is there at least some trace of animal that isn't raised in a farm in this meal??? The dude chuckled "oh kid.... nah...just store bought stuff... I go to sit and Russel trips  me... i fall on my ass and all the other boys crack up and point at me and whisper .. I coulda cracked Russel in the head but again i just brush myself off as the other adults scold him for tripping me. The leader goes and gets me another plate. After dinner was bed time  I get a tent with my mom's new found lover and his son trent.  Trent's definitely a scardy cat.. after a lame ass camp fire story it was bed time. I couldn't sleep like always. My thoughts were just too loud. I hated my life and it wasn't fair... I ended up only sleeping a hour.  After being woken up ,having to endure a dumb ass song and a breakfast that honestly wasn't half bad we did a group activity... we all gathered around to do tug a war. It was four against four. I was on the team with scardy cat trent.  Some Irish red headed idiot Patrick  and some fruitcake travis vs 3 typical happy boys and Russel. Winner  gets to pick next  activity... loser not only gets muddy but doesn't get to pick the next activity. And as much as I tried to out do the opposing team the idiots I got were no match.  We lost . This is strike 3 for Russell. After a day of pointless activities ,a stupid dinner it was bed time... I decided to come up with a sadistic way to get my revenge without getting caught.  I decided to trick Russell  to go into the woods. I knock him out and well.... let's just say he won't know what hit him.....
I then tie him to a tree and get the gas can I had stolen and douse him in gas.. I then slap him awake.. he freaks out and goes to scream but nothing comes out. I had stuffed a sock in his mouth and ducked taped his trap up...
I then  take a match and light him ablaze.

By the time people realized the woods are on fire I was already sleeping.  The following day the police were called to investigate. Russell was found like a charred hotdog dead. An autopsy revieled "whomever " killed him . First sodomized him with a stick as one was found in his rectum...whoops....maybe I went too far....wait ....nope... no suspect was found...

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