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[𝐢𝐧𝐬𝐩𝐢𝐫𝐞𝐝 𝐛𝐲 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐬𝐨𝐧𝐠 𝐝𝐚𝐧𝐝𝐞𝐥𝐢𝐨𝐧𝐬]

✩.・*:。≻───── ⋆♡⋆ ─────.•*:。✩

𝓉𝒽𝒾𝓇𝒹 𝓅𝑒𝓇𝓈𝑜𝓃'𝓈 𝓅𝑜𝓋

in the middle of a field full of dandelions, there sat a lone girl with a petite and slender build. ironically she was dressed in a white crepe dress that reaches to her knees along with off-shoulder mesh sleeves. she had her (h/c) hair in a half-up crown braid with some loose strands of hair framing her face. her (e/c) eyes looks endearingly at the dandelions surrounding her. she reaches her hand out to the nearest dandelion, gently stroking on their ligules smiling fondly as she imagines the dandelions as her younger siblings, where they always wanted her to stroke their hair to sleep.

she delicately plucks the dandelion from it's roots before bringing it closer to her lips as she blows them like those candles on her birthday cake. she does it repeatedly on every dandelions she pluck out from the ground and on every dandelions she blows, she had a wish. a wish she wanted since the day she knew of her growing feelings for one of her childhood friends. maybe it was the way he said her name or the way he looked at her, like she's the missing piece to his puzzle.

she slightly tilts her hear head upwards, catching sight of the setting sun in the horizon. the sky paints itself a pastel blue, lavender and yellow-orange ombre with hints of baby pink peeking so shyly. white fluffs of cotton spread unevenly, decorating the sky, sometimes it forms into what your mind can perceive. she feels so tranquil in this moment, where the soft and warm glow of the sunset cascade on her. reminiscing into her memories of him.

"(y/n), i found you." a smooth and mellow voice spoke once they caught sight of the female with her nose stuck inside a book. "chongyun." (y/n) slowly looks up from her book and swore she couldn't breathe for a second. it was because of the way chongyun looked at her. oh, (y/n) was no fool. she can tell that his gaze was filled with endearment and longing. she felt like she saw forever in his eyes.  "(y/n)~" chongyun called her name ever so fondly, his mouth slowly formed into a small smile. (y/n)'s cheeks slowly bloom red as she thought on how unfair it was for him to smile, look and called her like that. all of her worries that day vanished the moment he smiled at her, she felt so okay just from seeing him smile.

"(y/n), i've been assigned to a new exorcist mission and this time it would take long." chongyun visited her once he heard of his next mission. "don't worry, i'll come back safely." chongyun reassured the girl's worries when he notice how anxious she became from his announcement. "please. please come back safe." (y/n) pleaded with a worried expression, her hands reached out to cupped his cheeks into her palms. "i will and once i do. i wish to become officially yours and you become mine." chongyun said, eyes closed, his hand holding onto hers, leaning more into her palm. both of you knew of each other's feelings but no one had addressed them until now. dawn soon came and chongyun had departed for his mission.

(y/n) smiles at the memory, twirling the still intact dandelion in her fingertips. "chongyun..." (y/n) calls out the name of her love affectionately and blows the dandelion. wishing that he'll be hers. "ch-chongyun..." she calls out once again this time choking on the words as small sobs breaks out of her, tears spilling out of her eyes uncontrollably. she threw her hands over her eyes, breaking down into loud cries.

"(y/n)..." (y/n) turn around upon hearing someone called her name, except this time it wasn't chongyun. there stood xingqiu another childhood friend she known together with chongyun. "yes, xingqiu?" (y/n) questioned him, smiling ever so brightly. xingqiu fidgeted and it was so unlike him to. "what's wrong, xingqiu?" (y/n) asked worriedly upon noticing his weird behavior and just like that xingqiu wrapped his arms around his childhood friend. "i'm sorry, (y/n)! chongyun! chongyun...he passed away during his exorcist mission." xingqiu's usual serene and strong appearance broke down the moment he blurts out the dreading news. 

"n-no..." (y/n) was in denial, she refused to believe this. "no! tell me it isn't true! chongyun said he'll come back!" (y/n) shoved xingqiu by the shoulders, looking him in the eyes so desperately. "it's t-true, (y/n). chongyun isn't coming back anymore! they are even preparing his funeral at the funeral parlor right now!" xingqiu yelled as he too wants to refused the truth but he knows he has to accept reality. (y/n) fell down to her knees, she felt all hope and joy within her shattered like a glass bottle and she could only sit with tears pouring down her face in a daze. "ch-chongyun is gone..." (y/n) whimpered at the revelation before wailing loudly at the heart wrenching pain.

"dandelion, into the wind you go. won't you let my darling know?" (y/n) chokes on a sob, shakily blows on the last dandelion. (y/n)'s hand then fell limp into the soft grass, she had never felt so empty until the news of chongyun's passing. propping her knees up, she wraps her arms around them for comfort. with tear stained cheeks she stares at the now sombre and starless night sky.

"wishing on every dandelion that you could be mine."

✩.・*:。≻───── ⋆♡⋆ ─────.•*:。✩

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