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Mr. Knightly's expression showed hesitance as he took in my appearance. I must look so homely, and no amount of fine clothing could cover it. I felt my cheeks flush until he decided to move on. I couldn't look up again.

"Alright, well, we have a lot of work to do today. As you're well aware, Mr. Shreve will be arriving today for a meeting at 11, to discuss negotiations in detail. I want the board room spotless for the conference. I trust that Thalia informed you of your other tasks?" I replied that I did, knowing full well he hated when I only nodded. "Very well. You may go."

I thanked him and moved as quickly as I could out of the room and back to my office, my mind racing as I realized that they both had noticed my complexion. As I struggled to calm my breathing I began to cough, blood splattering on the hand that just barely managed to cover my mouth in time. I hurried to grab a tissue, wheezing and coughing until the flurries floated along my vision like they always do. Before I could pass out, however, I managed to catch my breath, filling my empty lungs with air. As the coughing calmed down, I wiped my face with more tissues, having used several in the process.

I threw them away, trying to cover the blood-soaked cloths with an old paper to avoid suspicion. As I rested my head on the head rest of my chair, I sighed, my breath heavy as I closed my eyes and waited until my heart was calm again.

How ugly of a sight I was now, I could only imagine. I was scared that someone had heard my hacking, but I dismissed the idea and decided that I was parched. So, I stood up slowly, the head spinning stopping as I got off the merry-go-round and moved to fetch a glass of water.

No big deal.


I finished placing the last file on the table, having poured a glass of water for every expected attendee and finished the morning's work. Now for the meeting...I had to admit that the demeanor of Mr. Shreve was scaring me, as it reminded me so much of the devil that I came home to at night. The last thing I needed was the same treatment at work.

Mr. Knightly came in, barking at me to set another place and questioning my intelligence. I was used to his insulting comments now, as I knew it was sourced from anger I deserved. When would I stop feeling so guilty?

He moved closer until he was right in front of my face, even though I had backed myself into the wall of windows.

"Are you even listening to me?" He bellowed. I was now!

"Y-yes sir," I stuttered, afraid of his proximity to me. I could feel his seething breath on my cheeks, warming my frigid skin.

"Scarlett, if I have to force your attention one more
time, I swear I'll-" his threats were interrupted by the door opening.

"Mr. Knightly, your guests have arrived." Thank the heavens for Thalia. I'm certain the whole floor could hear his yelling, and I was already embarrassed as it was.

He frowned, eyes set into mine, trying to convey a message beyond mere anger that I could not decipher, before he backed off and stormed out of the room.

Thalia gave me a sad look, and left too.

Does this mean I'm getting fired? Or am I just overthinking? No, Mr. Knightly is just is another one of his moods again. Everything is fine.

I brushed down the fabric of my dress, preparing myself for the group to file in the door, and sure enough, five minutes later they all came trickling in. About three members from Shreve Co. and two from our staff entered, taking their seats as I greeted them with a polite smile.

"Hey tootsie, where can I get a cup of joe around here?" A rude voice asked, undoubtedly Mr. Shreve himself. I blushed, before giving a faint "of course" and rushing out the door. As I left, I felt a rough smack on my backside, and I stumbled into the doorframe. No one dared look up as I tried to catch my balance.

Heart racing, I sped out of the room and down the hall, panting as I shut my office door behind me. Nearly hyperventilating, the infernal coughing began again, and I was seized by the expulsion from my lungs. Twice so near to each other?  This was too much. I have never had it happen so close together, and as the coughing ceased, I worried that these were getting worse. If I could just afford to go to the doctor...but Samuel would never let me. Too risky.

I forced myself up onto my feet, head swimming as I wiped the blood from my lips and disposed of the tissues. I didn't bother to cover up the trash this time, figuring I'd take care of it later as I fixed up my composure, sipped some water, and walked away to the break room to make a fresh pot of coffee.

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