Coffee Stains

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Sloshing through puddles on the sidewalk, a Monday morning approached me. It was 7 am and I was nearly at work, where I'd spend the day taking orders and serving coffee to many nice and rude customers alike.

Oh how I dreamed of a better job and a new life.

New York City was bustling with life, the news venders putting out papers and the shops opening for another days business. I grasped my umbrella and pulled my jacket tighter around my thin frame, attempting to keep the cold gust of wind from my body. The rain never bothered me much, except when I was caught off guard by it's sudden downpour.

The little bell of the coffee shop sounded as I pushed through the door and collapsed my umbrella quickly before setting it in the nearby stand.

"Good morning, Scarlett," Watson exclaimed from the background. He had always been kind to me.

"Good morning, Watson," I replied, removing my thin coat and replacing it with my apron. The uniforms were simple...a knee length, grey dress with sleeves for the girls and grey shirts and black pants for the boys. We all had aprons with pockets and it was required for loose hair to be pulled back.

I moved quickly in preparing a batch of muffins, and Watson was soon occupied with a few customers that sauntered in from the bleak morning. I don't mind working in the cafe, for the simple pattern and schedule gave my life comfort. I want more, though.

I'm twenty four years old and I'm done with college, with no money and no prospects. I want to live well, but Samuel is impossible. Every cent I make is spent on bills and alcohol and food for him. I need to escape him, but every time I run he catches me and pulls me back. I barely make enough to keep us going.

I've been working for years, as my father was no better. And so I continue on this monotonous work, wishing for a new life but knowing none will come.


Around nine o'clock that morning, the bell sounded again, only to be interrupted by two muttering voices. Once 8:30 hit, business had been slow. I was on the register and Watson was wiping down tables and rearranging chairs.

I quickly snapped my book shut and shoved it under the counter, before turning my attention to the new customers. My gaze roamed between the two, both standing with firm posture and clothed in crisp business suits. They appeared to be brothers, the younger a few inches shorter than the other.

I caught myself staring as they bickered in hushed tones, slowly approaching the counter where I was stationed.

Never in all my life had I seen such a perfect human.

The older of the two was stunning, with dark hair and darker eyes, a chiseled jaw line and quizzical eyebrows that portrayed his frustrations well. He was toned and muscular, his suit fitted to perfection and his hair smoothly styled.

I quickly snapped out of my trance, my gaze falling the the counter in front of me as I cleared my throat to interrupt their conversation.

"Excuse me, may I help you?"

They turned to me, as if realizing for the first
time where they were. The younger man looked  around for a moment, while the other gazed directly at me. It was as if time froze, and I was entranced in the depths of his eyes.

"Can I get a latte to go?" The first man asked politely.

"Of course, and for you?" I replied formally, scribbling down his order quickly before turning again to his brother.

"Medium black coffee, two teaspoons of sugar. That's it," he spoke, his voice low and serious. I nodded my head and immediately prepared their drinks, entranced by the sound of his voice. I delivered their drinks in record time and they sat at a small table, talking for several minutes. I began to serve other customers soon after, rushing around taking orders and delivering them as business picked up once more.

On a particularly large order consisting of four large coffees and several of my special muffins, I balanced the tray carefully, eyes set across the room on my destination. Suddenly, the tray was knocked out of my hands as my elbow came into contact with a customer that stood abruptly to leave.

I nearly screamed as the burning liquid soaked my uniform and scorched my skin, coffee flying everywhere as four large mugs shattered on the floor around me. I crumpled to the floor on my hands and knees, ignoring the shards of ceramic that littered the area.

I made no sound but a whimper as I rose and took in my surroundings. Everyone stared in shock as I froze, the gentleman from before glaring at me. He had coffee splattered on his white shirt, prominent but not enough to contact his skin.

He was livid.

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