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I arrived on the proper floor just in time, as my name was being called from what I assume to be a makeshift waiting room.

I had no time to prepare what I'd say to the man I spilled the coffee on, but ready or not, I had to try.

I quickly acknowledged the woman calling my name, most likely Mr. Knightly's secretary, and she smiled and looked me up and down before waving me over with a curt "right this way."

I followed her immediately, trying not to stumble as the large cut from last night grew agitated by the motion of longer strides.

"You're just in time for your interview. The boss does not stand for tardiness of any kind," the woman told me as we made our way through the halls to a large corner office. The walls were completely made of frosted glass, the kind that with a touch of a button, would transform from crystal clear panes to an opaque wall in an instant. I could not yet see the man who I knew sat inside, waiting.

"Just remember to breathe in there, and whatever you do, try to stay on his good side. Good luck," she told me before opening the door and announcing my arrival. I thanked her softly as she waved me in, and I entered to see the back of a large leather office chair sitting behind a grand mahogany desk. The view of the city below was breathtaking, and I found I could not take my eyes from it, until someone cleared their throat in front of me.

I looked to the source, only to see the face of Mr. Knightly himself. He had turned around and was now staring at me, arms crossed in expectation.

"Well well, look who it is. It's the diner girl that spilled coffee all over my new shirt the other day!" He exclaimed, a malicious smirk on his face as he enjoyed my squirming. I winced at his tone, as I had been hoping that he would have forgotten the incident by now.

"Hello, my name is-"

"Yes I know who you are, Miss. Rosalia. What I can't figure out is why on earth you think I'd hire you after that stunt you pulled," he interrupted. I moved my hands behind my back, palms shaking as I clutched the file that held my resume. Mr. Knightly just stared me down, waiting for me to make some excuse or attempt to explain myself.

"With all due respect, sir, I must admit that I did not see you moving to stand up, and for that I apologize for my mistake. Regardless of this incident, I would very much appreciate the opportunity to work for your company, as it would provide me the chance to utilize my training properly and provide for my f-family," I said, after careful deliberation. I could hardly bring myself to say the word. Mr. Knightly's expression softened, and he appeared to be contemplating what I said instead of scrutinizing it.

"You are well spoken, Ms. Rosalia," he responded after a moment. "Very well, what qualifies you for this job?"

Without hesitation, I handed him my resume, trying to keep my hands steady, though the slight tremor did not go unnoticed by him.

"You may have a seat now while I review your documents." I did as he told me, moving to sit directly across from him in one of the leather, armed chairs. I could hardly keep my legs still, but I did my best to control my anxiety, as I knew that men had little patience for antsy girls. I held my composure as he studied my transcripts, before he closed the file and dropped it onto his desk, his piercing eyes gazing directly at me, looking me up and down.

I felt insufficient in that moment, smothered by the intensity of his focus and made to feel small in his wake. Would he see me as more than just a diner girl? Or would his prejudices and presumptions leave me working at the the cafe for the rest of my life? This man looked at me like I was the scum on the bottom of his shoes less than two days ago, and here I sit, asking for employment. What was I thinking?! Before I could overthink anymore, he finally spoke.

"You will do just fine. I expect you to be punctual and entirely organized. No slacking off, when I tell you to get me something you must do it to every specification and in every means as soon as it is ordered, am I clear?" I gulped and nodded, eyes wide as he continued. "I will not tolerate disloyalty to my company in anyway, Miss. Rosalia.  I expect to see you bright and early at 7 am tomorrow morning. Don't be late," he finished, walking to the door and opening it for me. That was my cue to leave.

"Thank you, sir! I won't let you down!" I claimed, ecstatic at the good news. Life was going to get a whole lot better for me, I could feel it. Our money problems would be over, and maybe, just maybe I could finally take a warm shower again.

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