Takumi Ketsueki

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Name: Takumi Ketsueki
Age: 17 and older depending on what the RP calls for
Gender: male
Sexuality: asexual
Appearance: he's a skinny tall guy standing at 6 foot 5 inches but tends to be a inch or two shorter as he slouches quite a bit. His skin is fairly pale with scars covering his body from his shoulders down. His silver eyes contrast drastically with his spiky rust colored hair that people says at different angles looks like rusted scrap metal
Civilian clothes*: usually button shirts and jeans tend to be his clothes of choice
Personality: he's a shy and timid guy as he tends to slouch and avoid eye contact with people. However when he puts on his mask to his hero suit his personality does a 180 and he becomes way more confident.
Likes*: quiet, nice people, making statues with his blood, anime, and a good book once in awhile
Dislikes*: people touching him suddenly, horror, being scared, hurting people by accident
Fears*: hurting people he cares about and shoulder to shoulder crowds.
Quirk names: Blood Bag and Bloody Metal
Quirk description: Blood Bag is a mutation quirk that has Ketsueki's body contain around 4 gallons of blood, the quirk also has Ketsueki get blood bag at a quicker rate than the usual person with his blood going back to normal within 24 hours depending on how much he has lost.
Quirk Description: Bloody Metal allows Ketsueki to transform the blood that's in his and out of his body into metal objects and metal objects that were made from his blood back into blood.
Quirk weakness*: he literally turns his blood into metal. So if he losses to much blood he will die oh and because he has so much blood cuts tend to take twice as long to stop bleeding and he bleeds twice as much.
Hero or Villian: Hero or hero in training
Hero name: the villainous hero: Bloody scarecrow
Costume: his costume appears to be a scarecrow that has been patched up over time with brown pants brown work boots and work gloves. His mask is made out of a similar material as potato sacks with eyeholes that allows Ketsueki to see but people can't see his eyes.
Support items: two hallow wooden handles and syringes filled with adrenaline
Family*: both of his parents died in a accident his mother had the quirk "Blood Bag" like Ketsueki did and his father had a quirk called "Handy Man" which allowed him to make metal objects out of the palms of his hands that were noted to be stronger than ordinary metal.
Fun facts*: well if you haven't guessed it I wanted to make a hero with a villainous quirk due to the mha world having a running the am of people judging you on your power.

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