Setsudan Kyu Seicho

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Name: Setsudan Kyu Seicho
Age: 34
Gender: male
Appearance: he has bone white hair that is slicked back with the ends of his hair making jagged spikes although he is average height being 5 foot 9 inches tall but is rather muscular built. He has a gleaming white smile and his eyes are a weird mix of red and brown that always gives off the weird effect that makes him not look right.
Civilian clothes*:
Personality: although he is calm and collective he of course has his times when he lets loose on people. He's a business man at heart and if he gets the feeling that something won't benefit him and the people that work for him he won't hesitate to cut them off.
Likes*: people who work hard, a nice cold drink, the occasional cigarette, having a "good" time
Dislikes*: hero's, annoying villains, people who poke their nose into his business
Fears*: failing the people that work for him
Quirk name: Bone resize
Quirk description: when he touches someone's exposed bone he is able to make any part of that skeleton grow or shrink
Quirk weakness*: has to make physical contact with the targets bones and can only change the size of the bones not the shape
Quirk amplifier*: when he uses a quirk amplifier he gains the ability to change the shape of bones and bone on bone contact will also allow him to change someone's skeleton
Hero or Villian: Villain
Hero/Villain name: Dr. Bone
Costume: he wears a doctor's costume with a skeleton mask
Support item*: a assortment of knives and similar items his favorite to use being a bone saw
Fun facts*: he's a leader of a small gang that had some connections with all for one.

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