Kane Yuso

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Name: Kane Yuso
Nicknames: hand job
Age: 15-16
Gender: female
Sexuality*: bisexual
Appearance: standing at a height of 5 foot 3 inches with dyed hair to be black and with her unique grey eye color that she gets from her mom she's a rather pretty girl.
Civilian clothes*: she tends to wear whatever she wants but usually her style is more of a punk rock girl
Personality: she's uncaring and rather lazy preferring to take the path of least resistance. Of course she does like to have fun from time to time with the fun usually involving breaking a few laws
Likes*: relaxing, messing with people, annoying people, making things she does seem easier than they actually are
Dislikes*: people with a stick where the sun don't shine, being the center of attention, being told what to do,
Fears*: not having a choice for her future
Quirk name: "helping hands"
Quirk description: Yuso is able to control up to three pairs of floating genderless grey hands at a time within 25 feet of her. If the hands end up outside of her range they will either float in place or continue to do what they were ordered to do. The hands are not able to do anything that Yuso does not know how to do or will not do a task if there is a single thing that is not according to orders. These hands main power is to teleport things that they are touching, if it's a intimate object then it can be stored in a pocket space which size is uncertain at the moment however people and animals can not enter this space but the hands can be used to teleport people from one hand to another.
Quirk weakness*: though teleporting objects are easier it takes a lot more energy to teleport people which can make her so tired she falls asleep, also any damage done to the hand will make them disappear and Yuso will feel the pain in the same hand that was damaged.
Hero or Villian: Hero in training
Hero/Villain name: The helping hand hero: phantom hands
Costume: her outfit is a skin tight black suit with white hand prints randomly around her.
Support item*: none
Family*: her mother and father of fairly famous support item makers with her fathers quirk "Phantom hand" he can focus on more important things while the hands deal with coding and her mothers quirk "Private Space" which allowed her to teleport any object she touches to a pocket space to which she can summon the item to her side, this of course has come in handy moving large objects easily.
Fun facts*: it wasn't until a friend of mine pointed out that her quirk can make her look like a Shigaraki rip off which I just started laughing imagining a gender bent shigaraki.

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