Kentaro Judo

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Name: Kentaro Judo
Age: 15-16
Gender: Male
Sexuality*: straight
Appearance: he's a fairly tall guy standing at 6 foot 2 with fairly tanned skin from him working out outside so much his body is packed with muscles with a buzz cut showing he has short black hair.
Civilian clothes*: you can usually find him in work out clothes as that tends to be what he likes to do
Personality: he can be a little loud and over excitable but he knows when he should be quiet. He sees himself as a support pillar for other people so he is always willing to help even if the task is a bit out of his comfort zone.
Likes*: hard work, a challenge, when his hard work is showing results
Dislikes*: being doubted, people doubting themselves, not being able to help.
Quirk name: Physical drain
Quirk description: when physically grabbing someone Judo can drain them of their energy
Quirk weakness*: if his opponent is wearing thick clothing then the draining will take longer and when Judo starts to drain someone his body locks into place
Hero or Villian: hero in training
Hero/Villain name: The Wrestling hero: Heavy weight
Costume: a simple Judo Gi
Fun facts*: I'm mostly basing this character off of Judo material arts and the Pokémon Throh which is a favorite of mine.

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