Kishi Dagon

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Name: Kishi Dagon
Nickname*: sea serpent
Age: 15-16
Gender: male
Sexuality*: pansexual
Appearance: standing at a 6 foot 1 is this unique guy with a mutation quirk that makes his skin covered in a dark blue, claws adorn his hands and feet, and his most striking details being that he has a head of a sea serpent and a tail
Civilian clothes*: he dresses rather plainly which tends to clash drastically with his physical appearance
Personality:He's a rather calm person being level headed in most situations.
Likes*: water, telling stories, hearing about other people's adventures, sea food
Dislikes*: extreme heat and extreme cold, losing control
Fears*: the ocean and large bodies of water
Quirk name: Aquatic Transformation
Quirk description: when he enters bodies of water or is surrounded by a abundant supply of water like when it rains Dagon will grow in size equivalently the amount of water into a sea serpent like monster
Quirk weakness*: the main downside is if Dagon grows to big he loses control and acts like a monster so he has a fear of large bodies of water. Also if the body of water were to shrink or disappear for some reason his size would change along with the amount of water
Hero or Villian: Hero in training
Hero/Villain name: The Mythology Hero: World serpent
Costume: he simply wears a blue jump suit since when he grows in size he ends up becoming too big

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