chapter 1

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It had been many years after They thought she had killed him. They thought Kanaya had killed Eridan. they were wrong. He had managed to get away and make it look like he had been killed. He had hidden out in some abandon place. He thought about what he did to.... Her, Ferifi. he just lied there.... He wanted her back. But there was no going back.... He had killed her. Even if she came back. She could never forgive him for that. He knew that if a ghost loved someone they WHOULD be able to touch that person as if they weren't a ghost. He thought that even if she became a ghost.... This Probaly WHOULDNT happen. He wanted to run out of the place. but if he did the land dwellers whould find him and kill him. He looked at a broken table. He noticed a teleporter. "earth..." He thought. "It will be the safest place..." he got up. He hesitated. But then he put the "earth" in the "teleportation target" space. A red light filled the room. And he was off.

Feridan: Atlantic eyesHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin