chapter 8

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Dave had given ferifi his sword. Ferifi was quite knew to the forest there. But she had the small fish in the river guide her. She was Allmost at the cave when a skeleton Crept towards her. John has warned her that over the years skeletons had begun to come into the forest. She quickly turned around. The skeleton had a large sword. With blood on it. It swung it's sword at her. She dodged and saw it was the type that could hurt. Even kill a ghost. It swung the sword even quicker and she leaped into the air and blocked another swing with the sword she was using. She quicky saw her pitch fork in the river she wondered were it had been. She dodged another swing and grabbed the pitch fork and hurled it at the skeleton. It pinned it to a tree. She walked into the cave to see Justin with a long sword. And a bow. "Hmm. I knew the ghost troll would come! Lucky for me these can hurt your type!" Eridan was tied up in a chair and his wand was on a table where he couldn't reach. "Enoth of the talk you stupid land dweller!" Snapped ferifi. "I'm here to fight you AND save Eridan!" Justin laughed. "Very well then!" "Let's see what you got!" He said and shot a arrow that she quickly dodged.

Feridan: Atlantic eyesWhere stories live. Discover now