chapter 2

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He landed in a forest beside a lake that had a river nearby. He sighed and looked at the lake. "W-well I guess this is earth" he mumbled to himself. He watched as two swans swam to each other. As two butterfly's flew gracefully together with no worries. As two birds cuddled together in a nest. He seemed to be the only one.... Just to be sure he dove into the lake. Pairs of small fish swam together. He didn't know weather to be happy that the fish were happy. Or sad that he had killed the one the loved. "Even if she WAS alive she had dumped me...".... He thought sadly. He felt like crying. "Eridan.... Please... Don't cry...." Said a familiar. Beautiful and ghostly voice. "F-ferifi?..." He said his eyes Allready soaked with tears.

Feridan: Atlantic eyesWhere stories live. Discover now