chapter 6

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"Woah im confused" said Jade. "So basically this... Eridan guy got dumped by ferifi then he accedently killed her then purposely killed two or three other trolls... Then one came back and it looked like she killed him... Then he hides out in a abandon place on his home planet and comes here and sees the girl he accedently killed and then they get back together and now he wants the other trolls to forgive him?.. Cause he feels like he 'didn't mean to kill two or three other trolls'?...." John nodded. So did Eridan. Jade tilted her head. "So HOW do we get them to even FORGIVE him after THAT?" She asked. "I.... I don't know but anything to keep him from dieing..." Said ferif. Dave groaned. "Where's rose?" He grumped. Suddenly a girl with light blonde hair, a headband, and a shirt with a squid/pacman ghost thingy on it. "hello" she said. "Oh there you are rose" said Dave. Suddenly karkat ran in and tackled Eridan. "LEAVE THEM ALONE YOU B-" John grabbed karkat. "WOAH KARKAT STOP STOP!" He Said. Karkat TRYED to get free. "FERIFI, ERIDAN RUN WHILE WE TRY TO CALM KARKAT DOWN!" Yelled Jade. They did as she said and hid in a bush. "That Dave land dw-weller and that karkat idiot hate me.... Don't they?..." Said eridan sadly. "No... I'm sure they don't..." Wispered ferifi. Eridan looked down. "Yea they do..." He mumbled. He wanted to undo what he had done... He wished he could just.... Undo it all. Ferifi turned eridans head to hers. "I Would never hate you... And I won't let them hate you either..." She said then kissed his lips. He blushed and kissed back. "Th-thank you ferifi" he said and smiled. Suddenly Jade gave them a "OK" to go back inside.

Feridan: Atlantic eyesWhere stories live. Discover now