chapter 4

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She slowly pulled away. Blushing deeply and smiling. Eridan was doing the same. "W-We should get out of here" said eridan. Ferifi nodded in agreement. "But we can't let the human land dwellers see me..." She pointed out. "How ever I can turn invisible...". Eridan made a worried look. "Don't worry eridan... I'll be fine also we will be together"... She said. "Ok.." Said eridan. There was nowhere else to go but the back yards of the human land dwellers. After they had crossed several yards eridan Stepped on a twig and it snapped loudly. Eridan and ferifi. Even though ferifi was invisable. Froze. Suddenly a kid with black hair, glasses, and a Shirt with a green worm/Catipillar thingy that was smiling widely on it opened the back door. "Oh hi!" He said. "Hey aren't you one of the trolls?... I don't think I've met you before kinda look familiar... Man I forget a lot" Eridan began to sweat. "I.. I uh" said eridan. "Oh whatever come on in im John" said John. he let eridan in and ferifi fallowed. "What's your name?" He said then smiled kindly and as widely as the worm thingy on his shirt was. "Eridan..." Responded eridan cautiously hopeing that the troll land dwellers hadn't told John about him. "Oh I've heard about you!" Eridan held in his breath. "I forgot what it was though.." Eridan let out a sigh of relief. "Meh your one of the trolls so I'm sure It was a good thing!" John giggled. "That was close.." Wispered ferifi into eridans ear that kinda looked like a fish fin.

Feridan: Atlantic eyesOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora