Chapter 12: Depression And Getting A Job.

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Its been 6 months. 6 months since Gerard broke up with me. He hasn't said anything to me since but I've seen him with another girl. Hugging, kissing, everything that we used to do. My dad never came home. I've only talked to 2 people and thats Frank and Jaden.

I've been going through a terrible depression. I havn't eaten for a week now. I'm out of money so I can't get myself anything at all. Today Jaden got a job at Starbucks while Frank got a job at Hot Topic. Mikeys tried to reach me with no luck. I always decline the calls.

"Hey (Y/N)." Jaden said as I walked into Starbucks. "Hey." I said with no emotion. "Here to finally get a job?" She asked. I chuckled a little but still replied with no emotion. "Ya. I decided I really need to get a job and earn money." I said walking towards her. "Fill out these papers. Make sure to hand them back when your done." She said. I took the papers and sat at one of the booths.

I filled out everything that was necessary and walked back over to the counter. I slid the papers across the counter to Jaden. She picked them up and took them into a back room. She came back out holding an apron. "Put this on and come on over behind the counter." She said walking into the back room again. I slid on the apron and walked behind the counter.

Time to start my day.

(A/N: This is a filler but an important filler.)

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