And off to the rescue

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"And off to the rescue." Someone shouts.

The helicopter takes lift off. As each moment passes my anxiety grows as I worry that we won't make it in time. My sweet senpai, gone from my grasp right before I had him.

All these feelings, they seemed to construct the same narrative. Somehow this was my fault. But what could I have done? Suggested a different location? "Actually I'll meet you at somewhere a little less romantic. The deli maybe?" Yeah, that would've been rich.

But if we had met at the deli, my senpai wouldn't be in trouble right now. My placement of romance over tragedy is truly disgusting. I don't know why I value one over the other? I guess it's because I'm just another minifigure, I'm just like every one else. Plastic and only looking out for my own interests and desires.

We scour the river until we finally see a small man flailing in the river.

It's my senpai.

"UwU." He says, sexy as ever. "Will someone pwease hewp me?"

I will, I can, I just need to remember what I need to do...

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 28, 2021 ⏰

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