Start the New Rescue Helicopter!

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My sweet, succulent Senpai was struggling more and more as each minute passed. Someone had to save him, but how? I could jump in after him, but I'm not that strong of a swimmer. Surely I would drown along with him if I tried to save him. What other choice did I have at this point though? I had to act quick and act fast.

"Start the new rescue helicopter!" A voice that seemed like it was coming from absolutely no one piped up. I went through all the different helicopters we had in Lego City. We hadn't built a rescue helicopter. What were they talking about.

Then it hit me.

The helicopter I was building was going to be the rescue helicopter. By not staying and finishing my work, I had doomed the love of my life. His majestic eyes would never again gaze into mine with the passion of a thousand lovers.

Maybe there was still time.

I tried to run back to my station, but my lungs felt as if they weighed me down. My lungs were filled with an unsavory moisture. I stopped to catch my breath for a split second, when I spotted a shop. They were selling torsos. But I had not any money to pay for a new torso.

A life was depending on me.

The love of my life.

I swiped a torso from the shop, detached my head and legs from my own torso and reconnected them to the new torso. I felt a new energy, and dashed down the street.

The floor overseer was looking around for me. 

I stepped out in the open...

Saving a Man From the River in Lego CityWhere stories live. Discover now