Build the Helicopter

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"Build the Helicopter"

This voice, it was like my guide, telling me exactly what to do even in this time of great panic. It was as if a being who's knowledge of the universe and all things encompassed within it had been watching me, taking care of me.

I followed the voices instruction and got working on the helicopter right away. I picked up the skin textured bricks and began assembling them as fast as I could, but even my fastest didn't seem like it would be quick enough. As my breath became heavier and more intense, something miraculous happened.

Two giant hands reached down and started building the helicopter for me. These hands, they were not like my own. Rather than the fleshy plastic that composed most everything here in Lego City, these hands were made of possibly the softest material that anyone had ever felt. Rather than the standard two fingers on each hand, these giant mitts seemed to bear five fingers.

I had only a glimpse of these hands for a few seconds, and I felt them for an even shorter time before they vanished back to the sky.

"My goodness," I mumbled, "did anyone else just see that?"

"Everyone into the helicopter!" The floor supervisor ordered, "that means you too, slacker!"

As I entered the helicopter, I was absolutely dumbfounded. How is no one reacting to this event? Was it I whom was the only one to see this miracle unfold? What was this strange occurrence? It had to be a sign. A sign that master builder-Chan and myself were meant to be together!

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