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"HEY!!!" My floor supervisor shouted as I came into his field of vision. "Where have you been? Slackin' off haven't ya?" 

"Where I was and what I was doing is not important right now!" My voice was stained with passion as I rushed into the construction site. "The boss is drowning in the Lego City river!"

"Did you build the rescue helicopter?" The supervisor asked, though he already knew the answer. My blood began to boil. How could he be so sarcastic when my senpai's life was on the line. My plastic skin went from a warm sunshiney yellow, to a crimson, anger fueled red. I clenched my fist and gritted my teeth.

"Well, looks like he's as good as dead, and it's all your fault!" The last four words bounced around in my mind.

"It's. All. Your. Fault."

In one great swing of the arm on my new torso, the ground supervisor was lying on the ground. I had lost control. Just the thought of losing my beloved senpai was overwhelming to me. But that doesn't mean that the supervisor has the right to torture my heart like that. He got what was coming to him.

"What in the great name of Ole Kirk Christiansen is wrong with you?" The supervisor had the gall to address me in my state of rage. I said not a word to him. I wouldn't give him the satisfaction. Instead, I gave him a kick to the side of the head, which rendered him unconscious.

My senpai needed my help, but what was I to do to save him?

A cool wind chill came over me. The wind sounded as if it were speaking to me, but I couldn't make out what it was saying. It gave me goosebumps. The very same voice that had announced my love's fall into the river returned, his voice slicing through the wind...

Saving a Man From the River in Lego CityWhere stories live. Discover now