A man has fallen...

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The humid June air moistened my yellow, plastic skin. Oh how hard it was being an engineer in these hot and sweaty conditions. I spent most of my work days going through the motions, longing for something more than I had. Something new, and something real. Something exciting. 

It was the second of the month, which meant I had just started work on the helicopter. We had helicopters for all sorts of different things. We had a police helicopter, a firefighter helicopter, hell, we even had a shrimp delivery helicopter. At this point, I couldn't think of what other helicopters that the City could have use for.

"UwU Lego builder chan." A voice said from behind me. The voice could only belong to my Otaku of a boss. He was a mega chad, and had such an amount of charm that could make anyone fall head over heels for him.

"Y-yes, senpai?" His presence alone caused my entire being to tremble. I could feel myself shaking about, it was a bit alarming. But for him, I didn't mind.

"You look hot..." He paused for a moment. I could only stare dumbfounded into his big black beautiful eyes. "Sweltering I mean," He continued on. "Would you like a break my friend? We can go watch the rapids together in the center of town."

He turned around and started walking towards the furious river located in the center of Lego City. "oWo." I moaned as I watched him walk away, his flat Lego tuckus the envy of many Lego men. I started to follow him, fantasizing about us sitting next to the river, him leaning in for a sweet kiss. He would say he loves me, and I'd blush, and softly whisper back a him how I love him too.

"Where do you think you're going?" A gravelly voice from behind me shouted. It was my floor supervisor. 

"I-the boss told me to take a break, he wanted me to talk to him down by the river."

"Stay here and finish your work, you've still got a lot to do."

I waited for him to turn his back and made a dash for the river. The air was thick and filled my lungs with moisture, but that didn't slow me down at all. I just knew he would confess his love for me, and he was just a quarter of a mile away.

I arrived at the river and saw no one around. He had left. I felt a great sense of disappointment. I let out a sigh and stared into the river. It looked as if something was floating in the river.

"A man has fallen into the river in Lego City." A man shouted from the other side of the river.

I pulled out my binoculars to get a better look. 

That wasn't just any man.

That was my sweet senpai.

Saving a Man From the River in Lego CityWhere stories live. Discover now