chapter 21

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I wake up to people talking and a pounding head ach, " she's gonna flip when she finds out " a male voice says, it kinda sounds like Alex

" Who's gonna tell her " another male voice says, this voice sounded like Carlos

" Tell who, what? " I ask rubbing the sleep away from my eyes, I look around and don't recognize the room I'm in.

Carlos and Alex was standing at the foot of the bed I was in and ona was sitting in a chair in the corner

" Where's Caleb and Izzy " I ask sitting up, " there okay, there in the living room with liam, ally and Brandon " ona says and I nod

" Where are we? And where's Diego? " I ask placing my hand on the back of my head because it was pounding

" Um, this is the house Diego bought for you, we're in miami. " Carlos says

" Oh, well wheres Diego " I ask once again

" What's the last thing you remember" Alex asks and I look down at the covers trying to remember everything

" Me and Diego jumped off the police building " i look at them confused and they all exchange a few looks

" What going? Where's Diego" I ask raising my voice slight

" Ri" ona sighs, " Diego left" she says and I sigh in relief that's he's not dead or anything.

" Oh okay, when will he be back " I ask and they all look down

" He is coming back right? " I ask starting to get nervous

" Hes... I can't tell her " Alex says before he runs out the room, I look at Carlos and my eyes start to tear up

" He's coming back, right Carlos " I ask and Carlos looks down an shakes his head no

" He's not coming back Ri" ona says softly as she sits beside me

" No! No! Your lieing! " I shout at her as tears start to pour down my face

" I'm sorry Ri " ona says as she hugs me and I start to sob into her shoulder

" No! He can't leave me!! I need him!!" I sob and ona hugs me tighter

Why!!!!!??? Why did he leave me again!! Why did he leave Caleb and Izzy!!! WHY!??!

" Why ona!? Why did he leave me again!!" I sob, " I don't know Ri, he just told me to tell you he loves you and that he was sorry" she says

Sorry? Sorry for what?

" When did he leave " I ask pulling away from the hug, " about 30 minutes ago" Carlos says and I jump out of the bed, grab my phone and run out the house.

I get into someones car, I think it's Brandons car, I start it and speed off to Diego's mom's house, I know he wouldn't leave without telling her goodbye 

My phone starts ring and it was Diego, I quickly answered

" Where the fuck are you" I yell as soon as I answer

" Riley go back to the house " Diego says and I roll my eyes

" No, where the fuck are you" I yell and he sighs

" I'm not telling you Riley, go back to the house and forget about me " Diego says, I would have punched him if he was standing infront of me

" How the hell am I suppose to forget about you when I have to kids that look exactly like you and are gonna be questioning me about where there dad is" I yell at him

" Stop fucking yelling at me " he yells back, " make me " I yell back and he groans in frustration

" Diego where are you!? Why did you leave!? You promised you wouldn't leave me or the kids again"  I yell at him

" Riley I'm not good for you!! I got you put in jail, I almost got the kids took away from you " he yells

" But you also got us out of it " I yell back

" I shouldn't have even put y'all in a position to where any of that should have happened" he says

" Just please, come back Diego. I need you, the kids need you, our new baby is gonna need you " I say immediately regretting the last part, I wasn't ready to tell him yet

" New baby? What do you mean new baby? " He asks and I sigh

" Diego I'm pregnant "


Hiiiii!!! Yes, i updated, sorry for the wait, I'm not gonna lie and make up a reason for not posting but honestly I have just been lazy, sorry for the short chapter.

My Bully Loves Me Part 2 - Sequel To My Bully Loves Me Where stories live. Discover now