chapter 14

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No, no fucking way this is happening!!! He is really asking me to marry him!!!

Wait am I ready for this!?! Is he really ready for this!?! What if he cheats again!?! What if- oh fuck it this is the love of my life

" YESS, YESS, YESS " I say jumping up and down with excitement, Diego slide the ring on my finger then picks me up spinning us around, I kiss him and he kisses back

He sets me down and about 30 second later we pull away from the kiss, I wipe my eyes because I was crying tears of happiness

" Don't cry baby" Diego says wrapping his arms around my waist

" I'm just so happy " I chuckle wrapping my arms around his neck and hugging him

" I love you " I say pulling away from the hug and Diego kisses me

" I love you too " Diego says pulling away from the kiss and I smile. I look at the ring on my hand and start smiling like crazy

" You like it " Diego asks and I smile nodding my head

" I love it " I say admiring the ring, I look up at Diego and he was already looking at me

" So what now wifey " Diego says and I smile more and get butterflies in my stomach

" You are now only aloud to call me wifey " I chuckle and Diego does as well

" Whatever you want.... Wifey " Diego says hugging me from behind, I lean back onto his chest and look back at the ring

Does he really want this? Do I want this? Do I want to be with Diego for the rest of my life?


" Yay mommy said yes " Izzy and caleb yell coming into the kitchen, I chuckle and look at Diego

" You told them " I ask chuckling

" You should thank them, they helped me pick the ring " Diego says and I smile.

I kneel down so I was level with Izzy and Caleb, I open my arms and they run over and hug me

" Thank you babies " I say, after a few seconds we pull away from the hug and I stand back up

" Okay so y'all go to the table and imma fix y'all's plate " I say and they all go to the table

I fix everyone's plate, and set them out, we all eat dinner

" Okay, time for bed " I say standing up, I get the plates and put them in the sink.

Izzy an Caleb run up to there rooms, me and Diego right behind them, we first tell Izzy goodnight

" Goodnight baby " I say kissing her forehead and tucking her in, Diego tells her goodnight then we go to Caleb's room

" Goodnight baby " I say kissing his forehead and tucking him like I did Izzy, Diego tells him goodnight then we leave

I start to walk downstairs but Diego grabs my hand and leads me into our room.

He shuts the door and lightly pushes me up against it and starts kissing me, hehe we all know what happened next.

Next day

I wake up this morning mad as hell, don't ask why because I don't know. I just wake up mad

I get up and put my hair in a messy bun, and put a shirt and shorts on I was only in my undergarments. I go downstairs, Diego was sitting on the couch with Izzy and Caleb watching tv

I walk to the kitchen and start cooking breakfast, a few minutes later Diego comes in and hugs me from behind,I got butterflies and I smiled.

" Whatchu cooking wifey " he asks kissing my cheek and I start blushing

My Bully Loves Me Part 2 - Sequel To My Bully Loves Me Where stories live. Discover now