chapter 10

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I wake up and saw that I was still in the hospital, I look around and see Diego and Alex are here

They are both asleep, I look at Diego and start crying again, why did this have to happen to me

The pain in my chest came back and i screamed, that wake Diego and Alex up

" Are you okay, what happened" Diego says worriedly and stands up

" Nothing I'm fine " i whimper and turn away from him, I hear Diego sigh.

I felt the bed dip down beside me and I turn over and see Diego sitting there

" What " I ask with slight attitude

" I know your sad and everything but that doesn't mean you get to have an attitude towards me " Diego says

" Alex leave the room " Diego says and Alex gets up and leaves, Diego looks at me and i just look away.

I know if i look at him I'm gonna start crying again

" So um last night I heard you say you love me " Diego says slightly smiling

" No, I love the Diego in my dream, if that makes since " I say looking down and fiddling with my hands

" I am the Diego in your dreams right " Diego asks

" Y'all look the same but y'all aren't, he's a Mafia leader, your just a fuck boy-" Diego cuts me off

" I'm actually a gang leader but continue" Diego say

" Look your not him, okay now just leave me alone " I say turning over on my side away from Diego and hugging my pillow

I felt Diego climb into the bed and he puts his arm around my waist and pulls me closer to him

I push diegos arms off me and turn over to face him

" What part of leave me alone don't you understand " I ask

" The part about leaving you alone " he says back with an amused look on his face

" Fuck you " I say back rolling my eyes

" I know you would" he says back, and I roll my eyes and turn over on my side

" Oh shiii okay!! You gon let me hit it from behind " Diego says getting excited

" Hell no, get the fuck out my bed" I say rolling my eyes

" No" Diego says in a baby voice and raps his arms around my waist, I don't say nothing because one I don't feel like arguing with him and two, I like the feeling of his arms around me

We lay there a while not saying anything, until Alex comes in with Carlos

Diego lets me go and sits up, I missed the feeling of his arms around me as soon and he let go.

" What " Diego asks walking over to them, they whisper a few thing to each other

" Look I don't care, in not leaving her here " I hear Diego says very sternly

" She doesn't even want you here " Alex says back

That's half true

" I don't care, I'm not leaving now go fix the shit yourselves " Diego says back, Alex groans with frustration and Carlos nods.

Diego walks back over and gets back in the bed, Carlos and Alex leaves. Diego raps his arms around my waist and I smile because his arms are around me again.

I scoot closer to him and bury my face in his chest

Maybe he could be your Diego

What the fuck, who said that!?

My Bully Loves Me Part 2 - Sequel To My Bully Loves Me Where stories live. Discover now