chapter 1

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After Diego left i stayed at the gang house for hours just crying,hoping that Diego would come back and scoop me up in his arms and tell me he loves me but he never did.

He sent me a letter about a year later telling me he still loves me and he was coming back for me and Caleb. Even if I did have a boyfriend or husband he was gonna come back for me. I thought it was cute and I also cried that whole night wishing he was with me. 

Now it's 3 years later, Caleb is 5 and I'm 23. I changed alot over the past 3 years.

First I'm depressed, I don't know why I'm depressed that Diego left. He's left before and I was fine, I guess this time it's because I can't see him or talk to him. Before I still had his number and everything now I have nothing.

I only have Caleb to remind me of Diego, because Caleb is Diegos twin they look just alike that's why it so hard to move on. Everytime I look at Caleb I see Diego.

Second things is I had another baby, she is 3 and her name is Dizzy but Izzy for short. Guess who her dad is, yep you guessed it Alex, just kidding it's Diegos

How the hell it happened i will never know, we slept together once but it's his he's the only person I sleep with so...

Ona had another baby and it was a girl as well, she is 1 and her name is Ally.

Alex and Paris just had a baby and it's a boy, Alex is so happy he was literally crying. It's only a couple months old. They named him Henry

( I know that's his brother's name but just go with it)

Alex and Brandon are the only father figures in Caleb's life besides Mikey.

Mikey is the best half brother ever, he helps me alot. Me and him have came a long way from highschool.

My dad is so happy to be a grandpa and he spoils them, like I mean they get new toys every week.

That's pretty much it, I'm at home right now washing the dishes. Izzy and Caleb are in the living room watching TV.

" Mom look it's dad" Caleb yells, Caleb has been asking alot about Diego.

I walk to the living room and there Diego was on TV.

Lucky bastard gets to be on TV and I don't, oh nevermind he's wanted for murder wait WANTED FOR MURDER!!!

" Y'all leave the living room for a second" I tell them. They leave and I turn the TV up more

" Diego Martir is wanted for murder, he has killed multiple people in the past years. No one is able to catch him and no one is wanting to run into him. Stay on watch for him and don't get in his way or else this will happen" they then show a video of Diego killing 3 people, he looks up at the camera and flips them off.

I laughed because that's something Diego would always do, if he saw a camera he would flip them off.

Momma I'm in love with a criminal

I turn the TV off and go to the kitchen, Caleb was sitting at the island and Izzy was sitting in the floor playing with her barbies.

" Why was dad on tv" Caleb asks looking at me.

Oh fuck

" Your dad is very famous" I say

Well I'm not lieing everyone knows who Diego is, he's the most feared gang leader and he's know to be a man whore 

Alex, Mikey, Brandon and my dad all bust through my front door

" What the hell ever heard of knocking" I say rolling my eyes

My Bully Loves Me Part 2 - Sequel To My Bully Loves Me Where stories live. Discover now