chapter 9

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I wake up with this bright light shining in my face and a ringing in my head. My vision was kinda blurry but it was coming back slowly and I realized I was in a hospital room.

"Diego" I whine, putting my hand on my head

" She's awake " someone says it sounded like Alex, my vision finally becomes all the way clear and I see Alex,Carlos , and Diego standing at the foot of my bed

Wait i thought Carlos was dead, and WHERES CALEB AND IZZY!!?!

I quickly sit up and groan in pain because my head was pounding

" Woah easy " Diego says walk over to me and sitting on the edge of the hospital bed

Why does Diego look so young? And why am I in the hospital!?

" What happened? Where's Caleb and Izzy " I ask leaning back

"Mikey pushed you down the school stairs and you hit your head on the concrete, which...put you in a coma...for month " Diego says slowly

That can't be possible that happened almost five years ago

" Who's Caleb and Izzy " Carlos asks confused

" Why aren't you dead,I though Diego killed you " I say looking at him then Diego. They all look at me confused

" Alex go get the doctor" Diego says and Alex nods

" Okay I'm gonna ask one last time, where the fuck is Caleb and Izzy " I say starting to get mad

" Who is Caleb and Izzy " Diego asks confused and I gasp in shock

" Our kids you dumb fuck " i yell at him and Diego's looks at me like I'm crazy

" We don't have any kids Riley, we aren't even together " Diego says softly

" I think you where dreaming all this" Carlos says and I start to cry

No this can't be happening, I'm dreaming. I pinch myself and didn't feel it so YES IM DREAMING

" Owww what the fuck was that for " Diego says and I look at him confused

" You just pinched the shit out of me " he says and I look down and smile, I remembered when Diego first got back

Flash back
I heard something move so I opened my eye and saw Diego great this is probably me seeing him again

Me - if I can't have you in real life I don't want to see you it just makes it harder

Diego - what are you talking about

Me - Diego I know that your just fixing to vanish when I close my eyes

Diego - * sighs * your probably right

Me - well I don't want to see you no more if I can't have you in real life

Diego - ok close your eyes

I close my eyes and then feel something touch my lips when I open my eyes I saw Diego


I started to kiss back since this is a dream mine as well enjoy it.

Diego pulls away

Diego - can you still see me

Me - yes

Diego - well then guess I'm real

Me - yeah sure watch I'm gonna wake up and your not gonna be there * tears up *

My Bully Loves Me Part 2 - Sequel To My Bully Loves Me Where stories live. Discover now