chapter 5

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" get yo fat ass out this bed "

Who the hell they talking to?

I peek my eye open to see Alex on Diego's side of the bed.

" Go away" Diego whines pulling me closer to him

Okay why is Alex here and how did he get in my house?

I look at my clock and it's 3 in the morning. I turn over to face Diego's side

" Alex why are you here at 3 in the morning and how the hell did you get in my house" I yell trying to sit up but Diego had a tight grip on me.

" I'm trying to get him up so we can go work and I have a key to your house" Alex says showing me the key

" Alex go away, and give me that key" Diego says sitting up taking the key from Alex

" No we have stuff to do today" Alex says

" I don't care, I wasn't gonna do them anyway. " Diego says rubbing his eyes

" Get yo lazy ass up and get ready " Alex yells

Okay I have had enough of this

" Shut the hell up before you wake Izzy and Caleb up, and get out my room. It's fucking 3 in the morning nobody wants to get up that early. Now get out this is the second day I have been wake up because of you. When Diego is ready to go he can go he doesn't need you to wake him up especially not at 3 in the morning, that's only gonna make him ill for the rest of the day. So until he is ready to get up you can go home or stay here and wait for him" I say slightly raising my voice

I look at Diego to see he is already looking at me with a smirk on his face

I look at Alex and he is just standing there like he doesn't know what to do now.

" You heard the women, get out " Diego says chuckling

Alex rolls his eyes and walks out my room and I lay back down

Diego lays back down as well and raps his arms back around my waist and pulls me closer to him, my back was up against his chest.

We both fell back to sleep

I woke up again and it was 8 in the morning, I turn over and see Diego asleep beside me. He looks so peaceful then he started smiling

" It's not nice to stare" he says with his eyes still close

I chuckle and kiss him which causes him to open his eyes and kiss back.

I pull away and start blushing

" Do you love me " Diego asks

" Yes, do you love me" I asks back

" No" Diego says blankly

I swear I think my heart just broke

" O-oh" I says turning away from him so he didn't see me cry.

I started to silently cry to myself but I guess Diego heard me

" Oh baby I'm so sorry I was just joking please don't cry, I do love you, I'm so sorry " Diego says sitting up pulling me in his lap straddling him.

He raps his arms around my waist tightly and I rap my arms around his neck and bury my face into his shoulder

" You evil mother fucker, why would you do that" I say starting to cry again

I actually thought he didn't love me and that hurt

He tightens his grip around my waist

" Baby I'm so sorry, I didn't mean to make you cry. I was just joking, I love you more than anything" he says tightening his grip, his grip was so tight around me that it was getting hard to breath but I didn't care, I felt safe.

My Bully Loves Me Part 2 - Sequel To My Bully Loves Me Where stories live. Discover now