chapter 14.

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Here I am. In front of his house.


Don't get me wrong, I still love him just as much as I did 2 weeks ago; probably more. It's just.. I can't not feel guilty coming into his life like this and ruining it.

He had his whole career planned out for him. He was happy and lived the life he wanted.

Until I came in.

Maybe that's how fate works?

If so, then fate's fucked up. Atleast for me. For us.


And now here I am.

In front of his door.

Kim Taehyung's door

I take a deep breath in. 'Just knock. All you have to do us knock Y/n.'

Deep breaths...and knock.


*knock knock*

I hear soft thuds coming from the front door. I glance over at the door and back to the tv.

"Jin hyung can you go answer the door?"

Jin, preparing for lunch, makes his way over to the door.

I hear the door slide open, but don't pay the attention to it.

'It's probably some food Yoongi hyung ordered'



I shoot up, my eyes darting for the entrance and rush towards to the door. I slightly push Jin hying to the side and my eyes taks sight of her.


Cho Y/n.

My Y/n.

I engulf her in a hug quickly.

Jin hyung standing to the side shocked, still struggles to take in the situation.

My arm wrap around her tiny figure and I inhale the scent I've been missing for so long.

A single tear rolls down my cheek, my eyes glistening at the beauty in front of me.

'I'm leaving Taehyung-ah'

She slightly smiles.

A tear, herself, falling down her cheek.

My expression drops.


"I'm leaving Taehyung-ah."

I see his face change in a split sceond.

My eyes soften and I give him a small grin.

'Please don't cry. I'm sorry.'

"What? Where are you going? Huh?"

He lets out in disbelief.

"I'm leaving. To America."

"No no. I'll go with you. Here let me get ready. You can't leave me anymore. Not anymo-"

I grab his arm just as he was about to turn around.

By this time Jin has already left to give us sone privacy.

"Taehyung-ah. Stop. You're staying here. I'm leaving for a reason. I love you and I always will. You're my soulmate and no matter what you'll be connected to me through our bond. But I must let you live your life. Your career is what matters. Your dream. I can't take that away from you I'm sorry."

I wrap my arms around him, my chest pressed against him. Our body heat surrounding us.

His mind in a state of shock leaves him blank, but like a natural reaction still pulls me closer onto the hug.


"I need you here with me..

Just stay.."

I kiss the top of her scalp, caressing it as my tears stream down.

I've missed you so much.

So so much.

I've gone crazy for you.

I've been wait for you.

Searching for you.


And then you tell me to forget about you?

When I love you?

603 words

A/N LMFAOOOOOO IM SO SORRY. I totally forgot abt the story and I haven't updated in almost a month. I've had this draft saved for ages and I was just waiting a bit before uploading it, but every time I remembered I was at school and as most of yall know.  School wifi is shit. It wouldn't upload and I haven't been on wattpad too often either so I apologize. But thx for reading yall.

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