chapter 2. a note?

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As I hold my hand over Ju ah's mouth, she suddenly licks my palm which I immediately respond to by pulling back."ew gross what's wrong with you?!" Ju ah looks at me with a devilish grin. "Whatever, bye" I wave while walking away.

Once I turn a few corners and spot no one in sight, I find an empty room. I walk towards and empty table and slump down into the chair resting my head on the table. I let out all of my emotions I held back to not worry Ju ah."Was it my fault?" I question. "Was it really an accident?". Questions wander around in my head, trying to remember what happened.

I have a vague memory of my mother, but not my father. I look down at the email from the agency to find the address of my parents grave.

Just as I'm heading out, I grab the glasses which, I presume are from my soulmate, and start to slip them on to cover my puffy eyes. Right before they slip on, I notice some initials written on the side."" "Is it my soulmate?" . I wonder deeply about who it could be. I almost forget about my first objective, going to see my parents. I slowly snap out of my curious trance and walk out of the empty room. I slip on the glasses and walk silently through the hallways.

Y/n approaches the 2 tombstones revealing the engraved names of her parents 'Kim Kwang Ho' 'Kim Eun Sun'. Y/n falls down to her knees crying hysterically. She sits down, infront of the graves and talks about her life and what she's been up to without them. She wonders how different her life would be with them, what her life could've been like. She wonders and talks for hours until sunset in the late evening.

"Oh, is it already 8?" I sigh out. "Ok, bye then. I promise to visit tomorrow." I start to wander towards the exit of the cemetery. I feel a wave of relief wash over me, that they're ok and don't have to deal with life's pain. As I walk out, I suddenly feel a slight weight in my left hand. I look down towards it, bring it up to my view to see...

A vintage-looking camera. "Hm? I guess he's losing alot of things today" I say, looking at the camera in my hand. "Maybe this will help me figure it out". I walk past a beautiful patch of white flowers on my way home a decide to take a picture.

Y/n walks into her home, and toward her computer. She plugs the camera into the computer to look through the files. She stumbles across a picture that was taken right before she had discovered the camera. She clicks on this picture to find a picture of a note.

I look at the picture of the note, squinting my eyes to try and see the words clearer. I spot a few and a number?

||523 words||
A/N note
Okie, that's the end of chapter 2. Yes, I left it at a cliffhanger hehe. Anywayyy, I might continue the cliffhanger next chapter, maybe maybe not👀. You'll just have to see.

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