Chapter 3. should it continue?

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I stare at the picture, zooming into the note to try and make out the words. I spot a number written on the bottom left corner of the note. "Huh what's this? His number?" I question, confused. "Should I call it?", I think for a little while before snapping out of my trance. "What no. You have a boyfriend Y/n. Get a hold of yourself." I decide to ignore the note and go on with the mysterious identity of my soulmate still lingering in my mind. I place the camera onto my shelf to remove my mind from the subject.

/time skip a few days/

Y/n is constantly getting reminded of the note and the number. She tries to conceal her curiosity, but it always finds a way back into her mind.

"UGH JUST STOP" I exclaim, frustrated due to the thoughts of the note. "Uhm...are you ok Y/n?" "Huh oh yea" I respond back to Ju ah showing a slight smile. I feel a soft tap on my shoulder and turn around to face my boyfriend. "Oh hey Sun woo" I smile towards him as he wraps his hands around my waist. "Awe you guys are so cute, too bad it'll have to end" Ju ah pouts. "What? End? Are you breaking up with me Y/n?" "What no I love you don't worry" I say back to Sun woo to then turn to Ju ah, glaring at her to shut up. "Ohhhhh" Ju ah says softly. "Haha no sorry I meant like you're growing up so fast and maturing that you're cuteness will fade away" she says giggling

A/N I know that is probably the worst explanation ever, but that's all I could come up with

Y/n walks home thinks about the note. She finally makes up her mind to call the number. As she's walking towards the house, she feels a small weight in her hand again. She looks down and a note appears.

(The note)
Hey soulmate,
So I don't know if you noticed, but I lost that camera on purpose so I hope you saw the note. It seemed you never called or texted me, so I'll just say whatever I wanted to say before. Sorry if this is kinda awkward I just wanted to give you this to know whether or not you're intrested in going on to more than this note or ending it after this.
My name is Kim Taehyung
I'm 23
If you want to continue this please reply within the next 3 days
Thank you.^^

I read the note carefully and rushed home. "Taehyung? Kim Taehyung? From BTS?"

||488 words||
A/N Okayyyyy that was chapter 3. I uploaded a bit later than I usually would so I'm sorry. I'll be back in 2 days tho😉

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