I Want My Mummy

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"Dad I swear, I am one hundred percent mature, I already have an apartment here. so why can't I-"

"Y/N I am not having this conversation again."

"Dad, I'm a sixteen year old super hero, might I add, who pays for pills and! and, saves this god forsaken city"

"Y/N" Tony said with a more authoritative tone this time. 

"I already got permission from Mom, and a Mom's word is bigger than the father sooooo..." I started to twiddle my thumbs and ogled the very 'interesting' coffee machine.

"are you saying that you won this argument?" Tony Swiveled around and put a 'really?' look on his bearded face. 

"Yes I did," I crossed my arms whilst puffing the chest in order to look more 'manly'. "I promise that I will take care of Morgan while you guys are in America taking care of business." 

My Dad and Mom were going back to America for a couple of months and I begged Pepper AND Tony to let me keep her here. As Mom was already placing another bun in the oven. 

"Anthony Edward Stark" Dad crossed his arms and rolled his eyes. "I have a job, two actually but that's not the point." 

"Get on with it Theodore" My dad inquired whilst peaking into my soul.

"ok, you Tony Stark, multi-billion air poopoo head is butt rich, and here you worrying about bills, and my maturity." I said while doing hand movements in order to exaggerate. "I promise I will do everything with my powers to keep Morgan happy and safe. I put my right hand on my heart as if doing a seance. 

I saw Dad do this over dramatic eye rolled for 20 seconds and finally give in. 


"YES!" I cheered with much glee, and started doing a happy dance and ran to Morgan's room. 

"MORGAN PACK UP" I said with maybe a little to excitement, She looked up to me pondering why in the heck is her older sister barging in while she's having an important tea party with General Fluffs. 

"You're moving in with me" I Informed her with a cheeky smile as I saw her run up to me and attempt a bear hug. 

"I can't wait, we can have tea parties, make forts, have snacks past our bed time and-" Morgan started to rant on to me.

"hold it Squirt, You're moving in, not becoming a wild one, got it?" I chuckled at her and how she kind of deflated.

"now let's pack up, yeah?"

"heck ya"

_After Packing candy, etc_

I was helping Morgan pack in her things, when out of no where I heard her scream. In a panic I ran down stairs and outside with a sandal and looked around to find a bunch of...mummies? Surrounding my Apartment's street, I grabbed Morgan and General Fluffs and ran inside making sure to lock everything and putting the self-defense system up P.A.M aka Parkers Awesome Machine, with the help of Morgan.

"P.A.M what's happening?!" I boomed, looking at the wall that is also our TV. 

"It seems like there's another Akuma happening in the City Ma'm. It's a man, who seems to be able to change into any other beings involving the ancient times. Such as Anubis-" 

"ok thank you P.A.M now,I could go for some Pickled Babies" Suddenly my suit appeared on my body. Fricken Dad and his Nano Bots. I ran to Morgan, picking her up and placing her in the master bedroom, which is also a safe room.

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