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Shadow sipped on his coffee ration as the monitor blared announcements. His shift was going to start soon, but due to the extra work he didn't want to work any longer than he had to. The work was draining enough as it is, he didn't want it to spoil a few moments alone.

Shadow's ears perked up as a loud knock cut through the voice of the monitor. He straightened his jacket momentarily, not wanting an official or manager to mark him down for a disheveled uniform. An inspection always happened at random, so he wasn't too surprised at the knocking.

He opened the door only to see the purple, snaggle toothed weasel and two Elite Guards. One was a cobalt hedgehog and the other a red echidna, both wearing thick armor and disinterested expressions. The Weasel however was grinning like a cat who just caught a mouse.

"Hello mate."

Shadow backed up instinctively as the two Elites entered, blocking his path. Shadow looked at them, "why are you here?"

The weasel crossed his arms, smug. "Let's just say that the Guardian would like to have a little chat with ya."

Shadow felt a punch to the jaw, knocking him back as the red echidna pulled his fist back.

Shadow wiped his jaw, catching some blood on his glove. The cut he received from the punch trickling red.

The echidna made another attempt to knock out the dark hedgehog. Shadow lept back this time, the Echidna's fist grazing air. Shadow felt chaos energy travel down his arm, crackling at his fingertips.

The blue hedgehog was behind him instantly, Shadow whirled around just in time to avoid a strong kick.

They're chaos creatures, Shadow realized as he saw the hedgehog's blue aura as he tried to race behind him again. Shadow still felt the energy, coursing just beneath the surface. Not yet, he thought he didn't want to reveal too much in case they didn't know about his chaos abilities.

That's when the wind was knocked out of him. He hit the floor only to see the red echidna's foot by his face. The Elite had used the Blue hedgehog as a distraction and knocked him down. Shadow attempted to get up only to have his back protest. Super speed and super strength, Shadow thought as he looked between the two Elites.

The barrel of an energy rifle pointed towards his head. The weasel at the other end, "I wouldn't recommend movin' mate. This thing hurts, a lot. And these two are some of the best Elites from the Guardian."

The red echidna pinned his arms and hauled him to his feet. The pain in Shadow's back, increasing. He knew it wouldn't be long before his healing would kick in, but for now he was stuck.

As the Echidna pushed him towards the stairs, Shadow looked around trying to think of an escape. The tight confines of the stairs would be hard to fight in. As well as having a chaos creature with speed who could easily catch up to him. In tight quarters it would just make it easier for them to catch him again.

Shadow felt his chaos energy, pulsing and coursing, waiting for action. Shadow held back again, knowing that the energy in such a confined space would only cause trouble. He'd have to wait until he was outside. At least he'd have more room to use his abilities and escape. Better he escape and be found out than be integrated. In the former he had a fighting chance, in the latter escape wasn't an option.

They finally hit the bottom of the stairs, the bright light hit as he was forced onto the street where an armored van hummed in wait. Shadow cringed as he knew what that Van suggested.

A large crowd had formed, watching the spectacle, now whispering amongst themselves. Shadow winced as they pushed him onto his knees. He looked over to see not only workers, but families were amongst the crowd. Shadow could see children peeking around their parents and glancing at the spectacle.

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