A Goal Without a Plan....

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Nicole watched as her friends argued about what to do. Rotor along with a few others thought that they should rescue the chaos creature, preventing the Guardian from getting a new puppet.

While Sally and Espio thought the risk of capture too great, and even if the Guardian had some new information about the resistance if they were compromised they could lose an entire branch of the Freedom Fighters.

Nicole debated it in her own head. They needed to save the hedgehog, they couldn't just sit back and let him be integrated.

She ran the hedgehog's identity through their database, hoping to find what she remembered.

She pulled up the files, only confirming her suspicions. Shadow the hedgehog was a resistance informant. He was number 41007, informant E-142. He had given them several identities of chaos creatures. She had to show Sally.

"Sally, there's something you should see." Nicole pulled up the files on the monitor, revealing the captured hedgehog's identity.

Sally stepped closer to the monitor, "you mean.."

"That Shadow the hedgehog is the informant that we've had contact with for the past 4 years, the one who has given us several identities and had to go dark due to suspicions," Nicole finished.

Rotor spoke up, "he's under the Guardian's thumb now, who's to say that they won't torture him or do any mind games like they did with Knuckles or Sonic."

At the mention of Sonic, Sally's fist clenched.

Rotor softened, knowing that this must be hard for her. "Sal-"

Sally cut him off, "I know that we can't just leave him. I wish that we could find a way to save them. But we don't have the resources, unless we all want to be compromised." She took a deep breath, attempting to calm down.

There was silence throughout the room, emotions palpable. Nicole finally spoke up. "Sally, I know that this must be hard, but we have an incoming call."

Sally's ears perked, "who?"

"Well, a branch from what used to be Westopolis. They've kept quiet but something tells me that today's news had something to do with it."

Sally nodded, "open a channel."

The monitor flickered to show a human male, in his late 50's answer. His silver hair and heterochromia creating a striking appearance. His serious expression toned down the mood as his dark voice spoke.

"Hello, Freedom HQ. I am former Commander, Abraham Tower, current leader of the Westopolis branch. I believe that you have seen today's news, and the chaos creature that was captured."

Sally nodded, "yes, we just found out that he was an informant of ours actually. Shadow the hedgehog?"

Tower shifted, "yes. I believe it is in our best interests to collaborate and rescue him. I know that may seem like a heavy request, but you should know why I think the risk is worth it."

Sally nodded, wanting to hear him out.

Tower sighed and continued, " I was born and raised on the space colony ARK. Onboard, was a scientific project, Project Shadow.

Shadow the hedgehog was the result of the chaos energy experiments they performed in Project Shadow.

Later the military took over and raided the ARK killing several scientists and a close friend of mine. The military put the blame on Shadow and sealed him in stasis on prison island. I later found out the truth about the raid on the ARK and discovered that Shadow had somehow escaped prison island about 4 years ago. I tried to find him and talk to him myself, but found out this morning what happened."

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