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" I understand that if you're uncomfortable, we can find new methods. But the breathing techniques and learning how to control your abilities are strongly linked. I suggest that we go forward."

Shadow looked toward the Purple Chameleon, both eager and wary of starting his training. He hadn't truly used his powers in years and now was the time he needed them most, when everyone was counting on him.

Shadow relaxed his shoulders, "I'm ready."

He sat down on the floor with Espio.

Espio nodded his approval, "good. Now use the breathing techniques."

Shadow took a deep breath, relaxing into position. Waiting for further instructions, as he continued the techniques.

"...and slowly let the energy flow through you."

Shadow shuddered, but slowly released the energy. The warm, coursing chaos energy soon filled his limbs. He released more of his control, allowing more energy flow.

The energy started to crackle and spark, the energy almost having a mind of its own for a moment. Shadow instinctively reacted, pulling back and retreating into suppression. Shadow relaxed, good. He had control, he was fine.

The chameleon sighed, folding his hands and extended his two pointer fingers to rest against his forehead. "Hmm. I sense much distrust in your abilities. A lot of fear, fear that was implanted in you. By the regime, and perhaps even earlier..?"

Shadow nodded slowly, "early on.. onboard the ARK, I was confident in my abilities. But as the tests continued more and more fears surrounded my abilities, it's why I was in stasis. It's why I had to hide from the Guardian."

Shadow lifted up his hand where the energy had crackled, "I have to be in control... that's how I've survived."

"But you're not."

Shadow gave a surprised look towards the Chameleon, "What?"

"You're not in control of your abilities. You're suppressing them, control and suppression are not the same. Control of yourself comes with patience and trust. You lack the latter, you're afraid of yourself. You don't trust that you can control your power."

Espio sighed again, "if you want to control your powers, you must stop being fearful of them. Trust yourself and release the suppression that has been placed upon you. Then you will truly be free from the Guardian." The Chameleon slowly raised himself up in his crossed-legged position by his tail. "Are you willing to continue?"

Shadow raised his hand again, remembering the crackling sparks. He wanted to trust himself, to be free see what he was truly capable of. He steeled himself, "yes."

Espio gave him an encouraging look, "alright. Start again."

Shadow took a deep breath, releasing tension from his muscles. Slowly relaxing, taking every moment to slow down.

He carefully released his suppression, letting the chaos energy flow again. The warmth easing him as he kept the energy at that pace for a moment longer. He then allowed more to follow, the energy starting to pick up the pace.

He could feel the sparks again, it coursed up and down his hand to his fingers and back. Shadow slowly took another deep breath, as he struggled to release the energy.

"Take control, do not let fear take over."

Shadow tensed only for a second, before releasing more of the chaos energy. It was now coursing through his limbs and even down his quills. Crackling like lightning it was volatile and wild. Shadow closed his fist something to keep himself occupied from suppression.

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