Chapter I. The Start of It All

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You could be doing a lot worse... 

I mean, a job at Golf & Stuff wasn't what every gal dreamed of, and it was completely not your total cup of tea, but you were lucky to have it, and looking at how your luck was going lately, you were just glad to be in a job... so when you randomly knocked someone down on your way to set a plate of extremely  (should come with a warning label) hot plate of nachos, you thought for certain that you had the worst type of luck imaginable. 

Setting down the plate, you gingerly skated back towards the now laughing dark haired boy on the asteroid flecked (probably should be changed, because who knows how long it's been there, right?) carpet "OH MY GOSH! I'm so so sorry, are you okay?" By this time, the guy had stood up and brushed off his jeans and blue leather jacket and was laughing still, he managed a small "I was just about to order nachos, but didn't think they'd get here that fast," which made you realise that the nachos had — you flushed with embarrassment as he brushed a cheesy chip from his shoulder "I am so sorry, it's it's just my luck since I've moved to Reseda..." 

A tall blonde walked up and patted his friend's shoulder "I'm sorry to interrupt the awkward flirting session, but Jimmy, we got a table man, take your time over here, I know you already fell for her," the blonde teased and winked before he walked off towards a group of boys at a table while the dark haired boy's blush only deepened. 

"I'm Jimmy..." he sorta extended a hand which when you took it, you realised it was kinda sweaty 

"I'm /Y, N/ it's nice to meet you Jimmy," you stated as you looked down at the nachos on the ground "Just my luck," you sadly muttered as you both bent to scrape the chips off the carpet, only coming up with a slight headache as you both had knocked heads, reaching for a chip "I'm so sorry," you smiled when Jimmy only laughed and stated with a self depreciating grin "Nahhh, it's my fault, I'm not the steadiest on wheels," he chuckled and his eyes met yours, you suddenly felt very embarrassed though you smiled back. 

About to say something more, you were both cut off by your boss telling you to get back to work, so you smiled apologetically at Jimmy, and sighed "Well I better go, it was nice meeting you Jimmy," 

It was at the very end of your shift that he ran over to you as you grabbed your bag to leave, changing out of the death traps tied to your feet "Hey, can I—," and then he awkwardly stared before nibbling at the corner of his lip. 

"Get my number?" You asked, grinning playfully "Sure, one second," for lack of decent paper, you scrawled the number on his hand "See you around Jimmy," you stated, feeling something start in your stomach, a good fluttery nervous feeling "Bye," 

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