Chapter III: Never Going Back Again

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You sit down stiffly and just kinda give the blonde boy the stink eye, a side eye that you have perfected since a child. You lean forward, sipping from his soda, while looking at him as you do so before you lean back "Alright Lawrence, what do you want? And make it quick, I don't have time for your bull like others do," You state firmly, jaw clenching, voice fresh with the anger you feel towards him. 

"Like Jimmy?" You want to cop an attitude so bad, just something about this blonde, about Johnny Lawrence, makes you annoyed to no end "Yeah like Jimmy, he follows you around like a crony or something, hurting people," "Like LaRusso?" How the hell — you think and roll your eyes "Yeah, like LaRusso, and his first name is Danny..." you shake your head "Hey, chill out, I didn't come here to have a heart to heart about the Jersey Boy, alright? I just want to—," you stand up glaring more than before "Okay, no way, there's no way I'm listening to your bullshit, goodbye," you start roller skating away, awkwardly and Johnny catches you when you inevitably topple. 

"You okay there?" He chuckles and grins "Aren't too stable on those are you? Should come with a warning label or caution sign or something," you shove him a little, though it does little to nothing "Let me go Lawrence?" Johnny does so and you sigh and rub your face gently, exasperated as you look up at him "I'll think about it, okay? I'll think about it, but you better cut the crap, Lawrence," he just smirks a little at you and you think that there can't possibly be anything more annoying than this blonde kid standing in front of you. 

"Yeah? You'll give Jimmy a chance? He's really not a bad guy," he turns to leave "Oh," turning back, he sees your annoyed expression "And just like LaRusso has a first name, so do I, it's Johnny, might start using it some day... just a thought." 

GREAT... now you gotta go find Jimmy and talk to him... possibly, you cringe a bit at the thought that you might have to possibly— apologize... you find him struggling to not fall flat on his ass and it takes a moment for you not to just laugh, because he looks so concentrated on the one idea of staying upright and on his feet, nose scrunched up in such a cute way that... he catches you staring and cautiously rolls over 

" /Y, N/ I I wanted - want to apologize for—," "No, I -," you both kinda say at once followed by that awkward silence and a lot more blushing than you would care for. 

"I want to apologize..." Jimmy begins before he falls smack dab in front of you, frantically grabbing onto the closest thing, which is you. 

There's a moment with anxious silence, you could cut the silence with a butter knife, it's so thick, till you both break down in tears accompanied by peals of laughter and suddenly, sitting on his lap, surprisingly tangled together, you feel some funny feeling again. 

You finally both stop laughing, though it's hard, and the sudden intensity between is almost too much, when you stare into his — wait, did his eyes just widen? Is he — oh my go— he leans in, tracing the smudge of lipstick over your lip before his lips meet yours, in a sudden, startling, and too quickly over, kiss. 

Oh shit... 

And as soon as it started, Jimmy quickly ends it, hurriedly getting up as he runs out the door, a squeaky stunned apology making its way from his lips 

Two Hearts that Beat as OneOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz