047: again

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10 months later..

"Flynn Hunter, are you ready to turn 1 year old?" Topanga asked in a baby voice.

Some giberish came from Flynn before there was a knock on the door.

"I got it" Jack, who happens to be right beside the door, says.

He opens the door to Angela.

"Jack, Do you live here now?" Angela jokes. "I've seen you here for the past 2 months".

"I'm here most days, helping with Flynn" he shrugs. "I haven't seen you for weeks by the way so what you just said isn't possible".

"I was away, but I'm back now" Angela smiles as she walks in. "Wheres Ana?"

"At work" Topanga answers. "She should be here in a minute".

"Ana got a job?" Angela gasps.

"Yes. So does Shawn" Jack nods.

Angela gasps again.

"So, you guys are Flynn's babysitters?"

"Well, yes for me when they're at work" Jack says, "Topanga is just a little obsessed".

"Can you blame me? I mean, look at her" Topanga smiles. "Plus, I'm getting in practice for my own".

"Dear god, you're pregnant?" Angela shouts.

"No, but I want to be someday" Topanga shrugs.

"We want to be someday" Cory adds on.

"I leave for 6 weeks and every things changed" Angela sighs.

"Omg, I've missed you" Ana says from the doorway.

she rushed to Angela, trapping her in a tight hug.

"Ana banana, I've missed you most of all" Angela smiled.

"I feel so special" Ana smiled.

"Me too" Topanga said sarcasticaly.

"I've missed you, just not as much" Angela shrugged. "Wheres Carmen?".

"She moved back" Ana frowned.

"She's gone?" Angela sighed in a sad manner.

"Yeah. I'm sorry, I know you really liked her" Topanga said while joining the hug. "And I know she was your friend. Even I started to get used to her".

"Really, I thought you hated her?" Ana giggled.

"She was kind, and was so supportive of you that I actually started to get close to her".

"Well then I'm sorry too" Angela smiled.

"Ana!" Shawn yelled from outside.

"What?!" Angela yelled back.

"You left the keys in your car, dumbass" he chuckled.

"You say the nicest things to me" Ana joked.

"I love you" Shawn smiled.

"And I love you, yeah yeah. Now let's party because the cutest baby girl ever has been on this earth for a year today" Ana shouts.

"How do you party with a one year old?" Jack asks.

All of them ponder on the thought for a moment before shrugging simultaneously.

"Who cares, Flynn this is Angela, Topanga, Cory, your awesome uncle Jack who you probably know by now" Shawn chuckles.

Ana picked up Flynn and walks her around the room. "Your doing it wrong. Flynn meet Angela, your cool auntie. Flynn, meet Cory, your dorky.. whatever he is. Flynn, meet Topanga, your responsible aunt. Flynn meet Shawn, your dad, duh. Flynn meet Jack, your super cool uncle slash babysitter"

Jack takes Flynn in his arms. "Flynn, meet your mom. She's also pretty cool" he says. He takes her to the window, "Flynn, meet world"

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